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Vic's pov
I heard Anisha scream and ran to her as fast as i could i saw Andy and Jamie over my daughter. I yelled and she was breathing but it looked as she was asleep! Clair was crying the whole ride to take Anisha to the hospital.

Clair's pov
I ran to see Anisha passed out with Andy and Jamie hovering over her. I yelled and cried as Vic and I took her to the hospital. I sat beside her loving all over her!

Anisha's pov
I woke up in the hospital. I was worried sick I still haven't told anyone yet now is the time i guess? Then i heard a scream! It sounded like Clair. I was worried sick. Was she ok? Was she hurt?

Clair's pov
She..shes pregnant! Omg the impact did it hurt the baby? I asked the doctor. She Said no. Thank God!!!
Now i have to tell her about Wednesday night!

Anisha's pov
How? I asked Clair I was told by the doctor well can you help me tell the boys?She said sure. So we call Vic in the room. He freaks out crys and asms if its Clair's and of course it is. Then Clair yells something. What!

Clair's pov
I told them! Please don't tell anyone else. I beg of you two! They agree with me. And Anisha is forgiving me because she loves me and is pregnant with my BABY!

Vic's pov
I am speechless... I am a GRANDAD

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