The Idea

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    I got it! I can send the crown vampire prince a letter, anonymously.
  The letter looked like this:
    Meet me at the middle park at noon. We need to handle things. Don't bring your men. This fight should be person to person. Keep this fight secret. See you then.

    I'm trying to figure out what to wear. I can't let him know I am a girl, because then it's his advantage. I got it! I'll wear my dad's old cape and black suit. This will cover my face too. But... the only thing is that I still will sound like a girl. I don't want anybody to know but I need something to make my voice different.

    Maybe I can look in my dad's closet of old fight stuff. I know what you're thinking, why would he have a voice changer in there? Well I've seen him use one before to make himself seem more intimidating. Smart, actually.

   So, I looked in the closet, and I did find it. Along with a really shined, blue gem!?!I was so curious about what it was. It looked too special to be hidden in an old closet.

     I got all the things ready that I need. I got my hair pulled up, and the black suit on. I just need to time this right. It's 11 O'clock right now, so my dad should be getting prepared for his big lunch fest. I usually don't attend these, so it won't be usual for me to be gone.

    Ok I'm leaving wish me luck!

     I'm back. I got there at 11:58. No one was there. I waited for a half hour. Still, nobody showed up. He stood me up! I sent him another letter. It said:

    I don't appreciate being stood up. What was with that? I need to meet up! I need this to happen. Please reply.

      I didn't expect him to stand me up. He is the prince in all. My dad always says that he is always the one to take matters into his own hands and to take action. I don't know what his deal was. Hopefully he'll send back.

    I was curious, so I looked in our mailbox and I found a letter, it said:

     You send me a letter to meet up, but nobody showed. I don't like this at all. Was I being set up? I also don't appreciate this anonymous stuff. A real man would say his name, at least.
-Prince Ashton

     What the heck?!? He stood me up?! I am so confused. Like why would someone do that and like...wait... hold up.... what if we both got the park wrong? There's two middle parks. I totally forgot. But Ashton is a super cute name! Ugh what am I doing?? I need to stay on topic and focus on fighting for the werewolves.

So, I decided to send him a letter back. It said:
    You weren't being stood up. I meant the other middle Park. I totally forgot there was two. Sorry about the mix up. Let's meet up again tonight. Let's do 8 O'clock. See you then and this time go to the other park. Also I am staying anonymous.

I got all my stuff on to go meet up with him. Ok so it's 7 O'clock now. My dad should be doing his daily exercises until 9. I should be good. I'm gonna go. Wish me luck!

I'm back. It went I don't know honestly. I got there and he was already there and I started arguing with him about that the vampires started the fight. I didn't give him a chance to talk before I started fighting with my sword. My dad had given it to me years ago, in case of an emergency. This was clearly an emergency. The fight ended in a draw.
He said, "Wow you're really good at fighting. I've actually never seen someone fight like you. I've never seen someone with your style of fighting in our fights with the werewolves before. Have you ever fought before."

I said, "Thanks! You're not so bad yourself. I've never fought before though."

It was reaching 9 O'clock, so I had to run off. Before I ran off, I said I'll meet you at this same spot tomorrow at noon. He didn't say anything he just watched as I ran off.

I've never fought before so I don't know how they usually go. I don't think that was a normal fight though.

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