Chapter 4-Learning

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"Mom!"I laughed while she continued to drop everything in her hands.She continued to cry because she was laughing so hard.Her eyes crinkled as tears quickly ran down her face.It was a sight to see.
"I'll go get you a basket."I remarked.I walked back to the front of the colorful store.I didn't know my mom liked this store so much.I grabbed one and the door slid next to me.I walked away from it though.Heading back to my dying mother.When I came back she had everything on the floor.
"Mom What is this?"I gestured my hand to everything.
"I got lazy."
I rolled my eyes and we started to pick up her mess.My mom tends to act like a child sometimes.
While doing so,Someone pokes the back of my head.Then before I turned around,foot steps ran off.
I ignored until it happened again.I looked at my mom;who was chuckling.
"Is it you?"I said softly.But then it happened again.But my quick reflexes saw brown hair.
"Yah!"I yelled out and stood up.
Soon after, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin steppes out;Laughing at me.
"What are you guys doing?"I laughed as they did.
"We were bored and then we saw you."Jungkook admitted.The other two jokingly chuckled.
"So Im someone that you play with when your bored?"I said sassily;They started to Laugh and my mom stepped up.
"Who are these boys?"My mom asked.I shrugged.
"I don't know?"I said in Korean so they could understand me.
"We know you!Dont lie!"Taehyung laughed while playfully pushing my shoulder.
"No clue."I smiled and turned to my mom.She was smiling.
"Let's get you away from these strange boys."My mom actually played along.She caught on what I was doing.She turned around and walked towards food.I followed but turned and waved.I also laughed while they laughed yet were stunned.
On our way home we carried two bags each.It was okay out so I wasn't mad or upset.
"I can carry some."
We both turned to see Jimin.
I don't know you!
Obviously I'm playing around with the kid.
"Hi stranger."
"Do you have a death wish?"Jimin remarked.
"Mom this is Jimin."I laughed while he took our one of our bags.I gave up.
"Nice to meet you Jimin."My mom just remarked happily.She leaned over to my ear~
"He's cute."
"Mom!"I whispered loudly;Jimin looked over.
"Oh nothing."My mom cooed.The smile she was giving looks like it can just break off her face.Oh my gosh.
"So are you two classmates?You seem pretty close already."My mom then adjusted her hands on the bag.
"Yeah."Jimin got to it before I.
"Oh.You Better be nice to my daughter."My mom threatened but not really.I still looked at her with wide eyes of disapprovement.
"Mom!"I whispered.I heard a chuckle so I look at Jimin.His adorable smile echoed and he looked at me then my mom.
"I will."
Mom was unlocking the door while I looked back at Jimin.He was taking in his surroundings as good as possible, it seemed as if he was in a parallel universe.
My mom opened the door and we walked in.Jimin took off his shoes and so we did afterwards.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?"
Jimin put down the items and turned to us.
"Sure,If you don't mind."

We just did a classic Korean beef bowl.We sat at our little sitting table.
"So Park Jimin.What do you want to do once your out of school?"My mom asked.He looked up from the meal.
"Uh I would like to do music."He said and then slowly started to eat.
"This is really good."He said off to the side.My mom smiled.
"Thank you.I actually now work for Blackpink."
"Wow really?What do you do?"He asked rather quickly.Knowing people is a good thing.Especially in Kpop.
"I'm a makeup artist."
"That's daebak."
"Thank you!"My mom cooed.
"Good luck to you."I said nicely.
"Thanks Daisy."
"How did you get into all of that?"My mom asked him.
"I've done dance for a long time.I also love to sing."
"Nice."I whispered to myself.After a while,I kept seeing Jimin stare at something behind me.
Once I saw him do it again, I also turned around.He was looking at a whole picture of my family.Awkward.

Monday(trigger warning-sexual harassment):

I dragged my feet into the bus.I was tired;I couldn't sleep more for two hours at a time.
I ended up having to stand Up on the bus to stay awake even.I wasn't too annoyed or anything about it. Every once in awhile I would feel a light touch on my leg.I would ignore it because it is a public bus but it kept on happening.
I looked down and saw a cell phone.It was taking pictures of my underskirt.I wore spandex but I can't believe anyone would be this sick.
I grabbed the phone and deleted every picture I could.Zooming through and deleted each one.The guy got mad and stood up:
"Yahhh!"He said angrily.He grabbed the phone out of my hand.Its not my fault you're a creep.The bus stopped and let people on.How he didnt see this going down was beyond me~
"Give me your phone now."I growled.I was pissed at this dude.It was someone from my school,but not my class.He had dyed brown hair,big brown eyes and he's quite short.
"Is there a problem?"
"Yes there is-!"I turned to see Confused yet mad Jimin.He looked really serious and swiped the phone out of the guys hand.It was open so Jimin was able to go through it.He looked up from the phone-at the other student-threw the phone down-then Lastly,punches right in the jaw.It happened within a few seconds;so, I had no reaction.
"Oh my gosh,Jimin!"
I never thought Jimin would get so physical!As this is disgusting;He didn't have to punch him!It will get him into trouble!
The other guy stood up and swung at Jimin.He got Jimin in the mouth;Before Jimin could practically kill him, the bus driver came back and told one of us to get off.It was Jimin and I That did.Mainly because Jimin actually dragged me off of the bus.
My mind picked up his anger,hatred and disgust of this guy.He had mixed feelings about the situation.He was happy He was there but mad it happened."
"Hey Jimin."I remarked.
He turned around while he let go of my wrist.Letting all of his thoughts leave my mind.Sometimes I hated having this ability.It felt rude but It gives me a reason to completely understand and help someone through shit.At my old school, Everyone came to me for their problems cause I knew and understood how they felt.So its like a curse but can be used towards good also.
"Are you okay?"
I asked gently and he sighed.
"Yeah But I had to put him in his place."
"I know."

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