Chapter 21-Scared

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"thanks Hoseok."I looked down at the 200 dollars that hoseok gave me for the competition.This is a nice feeling.I put that safely in my wallet after so.I sat down and talked with Eun Bi about Saturday.All I heard next was screaming but in good way.

"Congratulations!Congratulations!"I looked at the door to see Hoseok,Jungkook and Jimin hiding the competition trophy.I looked back at Eun Bi confused,Then I heard the marble hit my desk and I look up at the three boys.People in the class were confused but for a few that clapped.

"What is this?"I muttered shyly and Jungkook pushed it towards me more.

"We decided you should keep the trophy."Jungkook smiled and so did the two other boys.


"No buts!Its yours now!Take good care of it!"




I woke up oddly tired,Like oddly tired.I went to bed at the same time and everything but I felt so dead.I did what I did every morning,With Mila bugging the shit out of me.Cats are so weird.
Once I got to school I looked around for Eun Bi Or Jimin.I couldn't find either of them but I wasn't like concerned or anything.I either will see them in class or they are absent.
I walked to the vending machines alone,listening to music through my headphones.I got a flavored water again and I popped that open.
I took a sip and started to walk back to my class.

I walked out of the gate parting away from Eun Bi.Jimin stayed after to study with a teacher for Math.Math isn't my strongest-I'm average so I didn't feel confident enough to help him.I didn't mind walking alone,it was comfortable today.Not too much people walking just more traffic going by on the old roads.My music was on shuffle so I jammed out to what ever song came on.
Something touched my neck which made he itch that spot-But I felt the necklace rip off again,all the spare chains run down my chest.
I angrily turned around as Soon Ah picked the fallen ring up.I felt a little kick by it falling but it didn't make me want to die or anything.
"Give it back."I said clearly,she held it in her hand and she chuckled.
"These ability rings are stupid.Dont you agree?"
"Why are you bringing this up all the sudden?Give it back."
"I remember when I had one that worked."

Wait she's had one before?

"What do you mean?"

She chuckled as she held the ring firmly....
"You don't deserve the ring or Jimin."She mumbles as she threw the ring to the ground while she stepped on it;moving it left to right.I coughed up blood this time,making me collapse.
"I'm tired of seeing what is supposed to be mine took away from me, by you.I will make you pay."She removed her foot away from the priceless ring.The gem was noticeably damaged,explaining the pain I'm feeling once again.My ribs felt like they were getting sawed off and my lungs being ripped out;The pain was so strong I could puke.I wanted to die in this moment...
She bent down and removed the gem fully from the ring but not breaking it.I screamed out of pain holding my chest as my back fell to the ground.My heart was about to explode.It felt like every vein going to my heart was getting ripped away from it as if my heart was being pried out of my chest.I started to sweat uncontrollably even though it was cold out and I looked up at her seeing stars-vision getting blurry.

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