Chapter 23-Over Again~

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"You look tired."
"It's because I am."I chuckled,I walked closely to Jimin.
"Did you have trouble sleeping?"
"Yeah.Im okay though."
I tried my hardest to stay away from the two girls.I even avoided WonHo because he's connected with them.
I also always had someone with me.Jimin,Eun Bi Even Hoseok.Its not like I was scared of her, I was just paranoid.Even walking with someone I still looked over my shoulder.Im pretty sure the three knew I was so paranoid.Hoseok doesn't know what happened so he was confused about it.
When school ended I walked with Taehyung.He was the only friend I could find at the moment but he came to me.Jimin probably sent him since that's his best friend.
Tae was trying to get me to laugh because he's know I've had it rough the last few days.He didn't have to try really,He's just naturally fun to be around.
Taehyung walked me home;He started to get worried because Jimin was suppose to meet up with us.Tae gave him a few calls but no answer came up.I started to get worried.
After a few minutes went by;Tae got a call back.He answered so quick I didn't hear it ring.
"Who is this?"Tae stopped in his tracks so I did too.He turned the phone on speaker.
"Oh it's Soon Ah.Jimin dropped his phone because he's fighting with MinHo right now."
"What?!"Tae remarked hollowly.I looked at Tae with large eyes.
"Yeah-we are by the school.Well I need to go.Bye!"
"Wai-"she hung up.Rude.
"He's fighting him?Why?-We need to go find them."I remarked and we took off back towards the school.We were not too far so it took like five minutes.We both looked around but I heard yelling in the close distance.We looked at each other and ran towards the sound.It sounded like WonHo yelling.
I found them and WonHo is pinned to the ground.Soon Ah was behind them;But she came up behind Jimin and grabbed his hand.
Oh hell no.
I pranced over to them within seconds,Soon Ah only got a glimpse of me before I grabbed her by the collar.
"Drop it."I said violently.
"Awe so you came to Jimins rescue?"
"You can do this to me-but you two will not fucking do this to Jimin."I threw her to the ground then prancing on top of her.I punched her right in the throat which made her open her hands out of reaction;I heard her gasp for air but she deserved this.His ring laid in her hand.Safe and sound,so I grabbed that before she could get back up;I heard someone fall behind me so I looked.Jimin and Tae both laying there.What did WonHo do that quickly?Wonho picked me up and threw me against the wall.It hurt of course but I quickly put the ring in my bra.
Ha bitch.

He literally tried to reach down my shirt to get it.Okay
I pushed him away,I can tell he got angry by this so,he ends up socking me in the jaw.I hit my head against the wall behind me,I ended up seeing stars and black dots.
I held my head in pain while he tried to get the ring again.I kept pushing him away;I felt blood run down my face so I looked at my hands confirming it quickly.But Jimin turned him around,With such an angry expression that I never seen this boy have,and then punched him in the right cheek.Like he deserved.While WonHo fell,Jimin ran to me-I saw Tae slowly get up,holding his head.Wonho knocked him out...Jimin grabbed my arm then Taehyungs;He dragged us away quickly but I looked back to see WonHo helping Soon Ah up;shit.They both looked at me,making eye contact before we turned the corner.
We kept on running until we got to Taes house.Which was more nearby then Jimins and I.I still saw black dots fill my vision while Jimin practically carried me.We got inside and Tae sat Jimin and I down.I looked over at Jimin and I slowly felt my eyes close;I tried to fight it but I slowly started falling back-I landed on something squishy~

Taehyung pov:
I ran back in the room holding onto the walls so I don't fall over.I saw Daisy passed out with Jimin holding her.
She's been through a lot of troubles the last week...
"What happened?"
"She passed out."Jimin said removing the hair from her face.I went to the kitchen and got a cold rag.I then placed it on her forehead.Winho,who is like two times bigger then her-punched her.What kind of man hits a girl?He made her pass out!
"She's been beat up a lot this week."I admitted,trying so hard not to go back and murder WonHo.He hit her in the mouth which busted her lip.The impact made her hit her head against the school wall.But Jimin,with a busted lip and a bruised eye-he looked more concerned for Daisy.
"Yeah She has."
"What happened?Why did you fight?"
"I didn't do anything.They jumped me for no reason."I got ice for him and he put that on his throbbing eye.
"Really?Do they have a death wish?!"I started to get more mad by the minute.How dare they jump Jimin like that?!
"Taehyung,I will be fine.You should go lay down for a bit.You hit your head hard."Jimin said while petting Daisy's head.He likes her so much-how can she be so blind about it?
"I will.Do you need anything?"Jimin nodded no;I went to my bedroom and went to take a nap.

Jimins POV:

I started to drift to sleep to the sound of silence,but for the sound of the clicking clock.It was nice because it left me to my own thoughts.I still played with Daisy's hair so that also made my mood change to upset-to happiness.
As I slowly drifted to sleep;Daisy started to move.I felt her weight lift off of me,So I opened my eyes to see her awake.She rubbed her eyes,And yawned.She looked like she just rose up from the dead,She looked exhausted.

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