Gettin the stuff.

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"What did you do?" Shiro asked, Grafitti shrugged her shoulders. "I'll go get Allura and Coran." She said, Shiro nodded and sat down with the babies. Lance was crawling around, Keith was just sitting there, Hunk had his feet in his mouth, and Pidge was in Shiro's lap.

After Allura and Coran helped Grafitti with setting up the room, she went to go check on Shiro. When she got there, she saw Shiro playing with them. She cleared her throat, "Shiro?"

Shiro and the babies looked at Graffiti. "Get her!" Shiro said, the babies crawled after her. Graffiti got to the ground and let the babies tackle her. "Aaaa, oh, no, help me." She said, Shiro picked up Pidge and smiled.

"Anyways, I got the stuff for them." She said, she picked up Lance and took him to the crib. "I see that you have colored them." Shiro said, Grafitti blushed and rubbed the back of her neck.

When they got the rest of the team into their cribs, Shiro was working on the bottles and Grafitti was reading an infant care book for parents. "Uh, how do you do this , 'Fitti?" He asked, Grafitti grabbed  the bottle and put some hot water in it. Then, she put some milk powder inside, attached the nipple and shook it.

" Who is this for?" She asked. "It's for Lance." Shiro said, she grabbed a piece of blue tape and wrapped around the bottle. "Smart." Shiro said, Grafitti smiled and went into the room and gave Lance his bottle.

Time skip...

After Shiro and Graffiti gave the team their bottles, they had their dinner. After dinner, they went to bed, "Good Night, Shiro." She said, Shiro smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, "Good Night, 'Fitti."


There was crying coming from the room. Grafitti opened her eyes, "Shirooo, can you check that out?" She groaned. Shiro got up and went into the room, he noticed that it was Keith crying.

"Hey, hey, shhh, it's okay." Shiro said, he picked up Keith and started to rock him. Keith went back to sleep, Shiro Sat down in the living chair and patted his back. His eyes slowly closed and he went to sleep.


Graffiti woke up and she looked over and noticed that Shiro wasn't next to her. Hmmm, I wonder where he is. She thought,  she peeked inside of the baby's room and saw Shiro sleeping with Keith in his arms.

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