nobody knows

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Nobody knows. Nobody knows what I've been through. nobody knows how much pain I have. nobody knows how many times I cried nobody knows how many times I curled up in a corner and just shook because there were no more tears left. nobody knows how much I hate my life nobody knows how I wish I would die every night. nobody knows how many times I thought of suicide nobody knows that I'm dead inside nobody knows that I am never really happy. nobody knows anything about Me nobody knows how many meals I really skipped nobody knows how hard it is to live my life with a fake smile and an a fake always happy attitude nobody knows I can run away right now. nobody knows I have many people( mainly guys) that would take me in with them never to be seen again nobody knows that every day I'm one step away from going with them .

nobody knows and no one will ever know and even if your reading this now u will never know

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