4: "Eighteen Damn Years Of Absolute Hell"

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    First thing I notice: this is not a cheap room. No sir-e. At first I thought it was going to be a room like I was in or like an office but nope. I couldn't believe that a room could be this big, but I guess it can, with enough money. And trust me, this room spared no expenses. The ceiling was so high, that a chandelier fit perfectly in the middle with room to spare. There was, however, a desk in front of glass doors that let the light in, so that there was less need of electric lights. Compared to my home, this room was like a giant, towering over a wee little dwarf. To the left of the door, was a nice sitting area, with a low coffee table. The wall straight in front of Elias and I, was lined with bookshelves, overflowing with books, that are neatly stacked in a line, and what looks like priceless artifacts. The next thing I notice is the guards. Possibly armed. Ready to act at a moments notice.  The guards stand rigid at their posts; staring straight at whatever is in front of them. Most were men, but I saw a few women in the mix. I had to resist the urge to walk over to the bookshelf, and run my fingers on the spines of the books.
    I continued to marvel at the room, but Elias cleared his throat, causing my focus to snap back to reality. He gave me a smile, with a look that said, "close your mouth, your drooling. Also, I'm keeping a secret from you, and I hope you don't punch me in the face." I quickly checked to make sure I really wasn't drooling, then my face started to heat up. Well, that's embarrassing. I close my mouth, and that's when I notice him. The reason I'm here. What a dirty trash bag. I can't believe this right now.
    "What the hell are you doing here?" I say, my heart pounding in my chest, and blood boiling in my veins. I. Am. Furious.
    The man wearing an all black business suit, with a white collared shirt under, with no tie, and the first few buttons were undone. He smiles, as he makes eye contact with me. "Hello, Daughter. It's been a while." The man who was a pathetic excuse of a father is standing face-to-face with me.
    "A WHILE? JUST A WHILE? MORE LIKE EIGHTEEN DAMN YEARS OF ABSOLUTE HELL!! And you know why I recognize you? Well it's because mom still believed you would come back. She didn't want her children to grow up without knowing the face of their father." Without a second thought, which I probably should have thought before I did this, but I walked past Elias, and punched my 'father,' square in the jaw. I immediately regretted that decision, when I heard the snap of my wrist.  But then I realized that it was worth it. He wasn't expecting that. Good. He deserved it. My face, no doubt, is scrunched in pain. I pull my hand back and cradle it against my stomach. That hurt like a buttcheek on a stick.
    Kieran calling me his daughter, crossed the biggest line ever created. A line that should never be crossed. He has no right to call me his daughter, after all the pain that he has made my mother endure. Caring for two children, while trying to take care of herself, with no help from anyone? That's just messed up. I had to grow up without Kieran giving me fatherly advice. My brother had it worse. He was never taught the proper way to shave, or to catch a ball. My mother had all of the responsibilities, that my father should've been taking care of for eighteen years. Not mom.    
    One of the armed guards pulled me back, far enough that I couldn't reach to try and hit Kieran again. I struggled under the strength of the guard. I yelped, when the guard accidentally pulled my injured wrist instead of my good wrist. I locked eyes with Elias, the pain visible in his eyes, wanting nothing more than to take my pain away. But he didn't make a move towards me. He knew I am just as angry with him, as I am with Kieran. And he probably couldn't because of Kieran. He knew I would freak out. He knew about me and my past. That Kieran left his family, because he didn't love us as much as he should've.
     "Let her go." The deep voice belonging to Kieran, commanded the soldier. The soldier hesitated, but he let me go, since he didn't want to disobey his leader. Sweet relief passed over my body. The guard had been holding me tighter than I would've liked. My wrist was still throbbing though; I couldn't even move my fingers. I looked from my wrist to Kieran, anger burning in my eyes. He looks at me with sorrow in his eyes. That made my anger go down from a million to ten.
    "Why?" I ask softly, tears threatening to break through the boundaries. Everyone is confused, but he knows exactly what I'm asking. He doesn't look like he is going to give me an answer, but he does.
    He looks even worse than me; tears are running down his cheeks."Sweetheart," he searches my eyes and when I flinch at the nickname, he starts again, "Adrian. I know that you are hurt and angry. That your confused, and you want answers, but," he gives me an apologetic look, "I cannot answer them just yet. It'll put you in danger and I do not want that for you." My heart falls. I thought I was going to get angry again, but I'm just heartbroken. That seems to be an ongoing trend in my family. I want to know why he left. What made him leave. Was it because of me? I will always be forever broken and alone.
"When will you be able to tell me?" I whine.
    "Soon. I promise." He tells me, a touch of softness passes. He looked at me a while longer and then turns to Elias, his face becoming more serious. "Elias. Please take my daugh- Adrian, to the infirmary, so she can have a doctor look at her wrist." Elias just nods. Kieran nods back, then Elias turns to me, offering a small, sympathetic smile. We walk out of the beautiful office, Elias' hand holding my good arm, escorting me like a true gentleman. 
-    -    -

SH*T JUST HIT THE FAN-- Sorry I just had to say that lol. 
   Also I wanted to let you know that I tried. And that it took me 5 HOURS to write this chapter. Just saying.

Also remember to vote, and comment on your favorite parts!!!
Plz and thank you!!
P.s. I didn't proof read all of it
P.p.s what do you think about Adrian's dad and why do you think he won't tell her what is going on??

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