chapter 1

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I was at home, alone and Jake was somewhere but I don't know where. I got a phone call saying that somebody is at my house. I dropped the phone and then when I heard a voice, I hid. "What the heck is going on, I need to focus, I need to make sure I stay quite and hopefully what ever is out to get me, they wouldn't find me" then my door opened and I was in my closet so hopefully I was safe, but my closet door opened and I ran out but I was locked inside of my own room. "You again" "well Jesse James Baron, I'm back" "what do you want" "nothing" "then why are you at my house" "I'm here to send you a little message" "leave me and my brother alone" "your brother is already playing my game" "jigsaw" "that's right, now if you FaceTime me again, I'll make it more difficult to get out" "I don't believe you" "check your phone" I got my phone out and them I saw Jake texted me and I readed it and my heart almost shattered. "Why is he in your game" "you already played it so know your brother is" "make sure he doesn't get hurt" "remember how you had a cut on your arm" "yeah" "he is playing the same way you did" he left and then I called my friend and I went out to find him.

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