why is it taking so long

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Jakes POV

I got a reply from Jesse and he said that he would be here to look for me. But i haven't heard anything. I got a call from the hospital, so I answered

*start* Jake hospital

This is jake baron, can I help you?
Hi, this is dr. Cary. We just got a call about your brother being in a burning house. He is 5 minutes away, and we got pictures of the burns. And we all agreed on 1st degree burns.
Do you know who did it?
The perimedic said that Jesse said that it was jigsaw. But i dont know if I can believe that. 
Did you say jigsaw?
Yes sir, is that a problem.
Have you seen the movie?
You know how he made people play his game.
Believe it or not, I'm playing his game in real life.
Didn't your brother do the same thing?
Yeah he did, and know apparently, it's my turn.
Do you know where you are playing it at.
Jesse said that i was at flying squirrel.
I can send help, but you need to be somewhere where they can see you and get you help.
My leg is chained to something and I haven't found the key.
Your brother found the key in his arm. And by any chance did you cut your arm?
Feel around until you feel something hard.
I feel something.
I know that this is going to sound crazy, but Jesse dug into his arm and got the key, I need you to do the same thing.
*on hold*

Then I dug into my arm and I got the key and then I unlocked the chain of my ankle.

*we are back*
Did you find the key.
Yeah and I got the chain off.
Alright, i need you to walk around until you find the exit out of the room.

*on hold again*

Then I got up and walked around until I found the exit. I got out of the room and I sat down on a chair near the door.

*we are back again*
I'm near the door.
They should there soon.

Then I waited for 5 minutes and then they came and I was on the floor in pain. And I kept coming in waves of pain. "Sir, can you tell me your name" "Jake Baron" "what happened" "believe it or not but I was playing Jigsaws game" "where did you get hurt at" "my left arm" "can I see" "yes" then I put my arm in front of her. She looked like she was about to pass out. I lost so much blood. "That is a lot of blood on your arm" "i had to cut my arm" "no you didn't" "i have footage on my phone" "let me see" i got my phone out and I showed her the clip. "Okay, I belive you know" "can we get out of here. I think that Jigsaw is still here looking for me" "sure thing" then they helped me onto the stretcher and took me to the hospital.

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