seeing each other

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Jesse's pov

I got to the hospital. In pain and couldn't breath. The EMS was making sure that I was okay and I was well. I wasn't. I see someone else come in and stopped next to me. I look and I saw Jake. "Jake, how you felling" "sore, hungry though, what happened to you" "i was in a burning house for i want to say 1 hour or 15 minutes, I don't have a clue" "are you okay though" "I'm fine, sore and I can't breath" "just try to breath, okay" i nodded. The EMS got us to the room, and we were in the same room. We didn't mind. I was getting hooked up to the monter and IV's and other things. Jake was having the same thing done. Yes I have to admit that I was scared. I was shaking. The docter looked up at me. "Sir, are you okay" "I'm scared" "what are you scared about" "is it okay if I keep it to myself" "i think that you should tell us for we can make you comfortable" "i have never been here because of something serious like this. I mean I was here a few years ago because of a sickness I had. But never here for something like this" "just let me know if you feel like your not safe or other things and I will make sure that you are safe" "thanks you dr. Cary" "your welcome" i was hooked up to an oxygen mask for hopefully I can breath. I could and I was breathing better then what I was when I came in. The doctor was out and it was me and Jake. "Jesse" "huh" "are you scared about something" "i actually lied to the doctor. I don't like being here because it brings memories back" "what kind" "you where in a car crash and almost passed away. Grandpa did also. A lot of people had a near to death sentence. And yet I was young. I didn't know what was going on, but being here just makes me have a lot of memories come" "Jesse, you need to tell the doctor that, you can't lie" "i didn't want her to know" "but you know what I think" "what" "i think that you need to tell her, talk to someone about these. People are everywhere. Talk to the doctor, mom, somebody that will help you with your problems" he said, holding my hand. I had to agree with him. He is my older brother. I don't want to fight with him. "Jake" "yes" "how long am I going to be here for" "I don't know Jesse, but go to sleep, you need it" "alright" then i shut my eyes and went to sleep.

Jesse baron Where stories live. Discover now