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Jesse's pov

When i woke up, I was coughing while the doctor was talking to my brother. He went to sleep. 5 hours later the other person was coming and woke him up. "Hey guys, I'm DR. Ross, I am here to go over the paperwork" "nice to meet you" "alright, so for you, Jesse right" "yeah" "you will have to be on an inhaler just in case you have breathing problems and some medication for your ribs. You do have to be careful though, you do have bruised ribs and it will cause you to be in a great amount of pain" "i have a question" "ask away" "what do I have to be careful of" "like running, exercising or working out at the gym. Walking, I don't think that it will be a problem, but if it does, come back and we will either have to put you on crutches" "but i dont have any broken bones" "we offer for this to lot of other patients that have your condition and we put them on crutches for they could walk when they were somewhere else other then that home" "that makes no since" "trust me, when you start using them, it will make more since" "is there another way" "you could use a wheelchair" "if my brother is willing to push me around" "let's do the crutches, I have school still" "okay" "so crutches it is. Anyway, so I will get the prescription ready for you to use when you go home. Okay?" "Ok" then she went toward my brother and sat down next to him. I fell asleep a couple minutes later.

Jakes POV

When the doctor went to my bedside, she took out the same sheet of papers and started writing things down. "Hi, are you his brother over there" "yes ma'am" "alright so you already heard what's going to happen to him during the recovery, so are you ready to hear what you have to do?" "I guess" "okay, so what you have to do is when you go home put some ice on that arm and it will reduce the swelling. I'm going to fill in a prescription for the pain and also you have to take it easy for a few weeks. So what I want that slint on for a few days and since you did have to cut your arm to find a key and they did do surgery when you were out cold" "So will I have to be out of school" "yes" "why" "because of your arm. Being the way it is, I suggest you again take it easy, put some ice on that arm and take the medicine, you will be good enough to go back to school in 3 to 4 weeks starting when you go home" "Thanks" then she left and I look over to my right and I saw that Jesse was asleep, which is good enough for I can get some sleep. And that is exactly what I did.

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