getting out

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Jesse's pov

Once I came up with a plan I ran to the door, failing to opean it. I tried once again and I got out. Then jigsaw saw me and since he forgot to tie my ankles, I kicked him in the face. Until he didn't move. I got my phone out and I got the gag out and I called the fire department.

*start* Jesse fd

I need help
Can you tell me where you are
I don't know
Is something on fire
I was just in a burning house
Sir, can you tell me who did that to you
This is going to sound stupid, but it was jigsaw
That is crazy
Just please help me
Sir, I need a location.
I don't know where I am.
Can you tell me what you see
A forest on the left and and another house on the right.
Which house were you in.
The one on the left.
Is there any street signs
None that I can see.
We will look everywhere to find you.
Thank you.
Are you hurt
Sir, you Just have to keep talking to me, for i can find your location. Can you tell me your full name.
Jesse James Baron
The youtuber.
My kids always watch your videos.
But I don't know why they like them.
It's horror content and I usually think that 10 and younger shouldn't be watching them, but I don't say anything.
Okay, do you have any siblings
One brother.
What is his name
Jake Baron
And is he a youtuber
*on hold*

She put me on hold and I turned to my side coughing. My ribs hurt. I need to get out of here.

Sir we have your location and we are coming to to get you.
Thank you.
But i still need you to keep talking, I need to make sure you don't pass out, but please stay awake and talking. Now can you tell me a little about your self.
I am 21 years old. I became a youtuber at 19. I FaceTime characters from different movies at 3am. Because they say it is the Devils hour. I risk my life for my subscribers.
Do you have a name for them.
I do, and it's jester.
That's a cool name.
Thanks, but I never saw myself becoming a youtuber. I do play video games when I have no ideas for a video with my brother.
That's awesome. But make sure you keep a look out for the sirens. They are so close. But i have another call coming in. So I have to go. Bye. Nice talking to you

Then I heard sirens and my arms where hurting because I was here for 3 hours. And they are tied. They came and got my untied and onto a stretcher and took me to the hospital.

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