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Taehyung POV

I saw my darling bunny sound asleep on the long seat, snoring the night away. I gather a bunch of blankets and comforters to warm him up, he looked so tired, I didn't have the heart to move him anywhere else. After making him into a semi-wrapped burrito, I brushed his bangs to the side and gave him a quick peck on the forehead.

Moving over to the dining table, I pulled out my mac book and opened up the top secret file on my monitor. I wanted to plan out the perfect way to make Jungkook mine again. I'd be lying if I said I regretted that dare. I think that dare was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I found someone to stay with, someone who makes me melt at their sight. I didn't think I'd ever feel this way. If it weren't for this dare, I'd still be breaking hearts left and right.

I quickly awoken from my trance to resume my planning. So far all I had was park. Just like all relationships, there's a special place and our special abode is Hajang Park(a/n: Y'all I'm making these Korean words up), where the flowers bloom and children play. I wanted to have this the place as the area for my devotion ceremony. Not marriage because we're definitely too young to settle down. Just something to let him know that I'll love him forever.

I am happy to say that I've got something down, something is a start. Closing the screen, as if on timing, Jungkook starts to stir. I head over to the long couch and drop besides him, on the open room of the seat. I rest my head on his and watch as he cuddles in my chest. Before I knew it, I fell for the addicting temptations of sleep.

•Time skip to next morning•

I manage to wake up earlier than Jungkook, slowly letting out a silent yawn as I try to detach myself from his snuggling grip. Doing my morning routine, I had my toothbrush in hand as I did clockwise motions on my surface of my teeth, I was multitasking with my phone in the other hand, going over some plans for tonight. This'll be a whirlwind.

Jungkook was still sound asleep on the couch and I had managed to get into some dressy casual clothes. Cooking up a steaming bowl of ramen, since that's all I could make, I placed it besides a small bowl of sealed kimchi before writing a note. I left the front door to the designated area where the hyungs decided to meet. 

Over in cafe Byeol, I had made my way over to the slightly large cubby table the hyungs were sitting at, setting myself down as well. "Okay hyungs! There's barely six hours left and I don't know where to start!" I say in a stressed manner, well who wouldn't be if you have less than half of a half of a day (a/n: 6 hours) to plan out for something that could mean yes or no. 

"Taehyung! Chill! We already got the park emptied, courtesy of Joon hyung's parents being the owners of the park dis-" Jimin had yet to finish his sentence before I cut him in the middle. "-On with it Jimin hyung!" I say hurriedly. "Oh right! Sorry sorry! So we got the park to ourselves to set up everything! Now what's left is decorating and a team to distract Jungkook!" We split up into two groups, Jimin and Jin hyung went to go distract Jungkook, while Yoongi, Joon, and Hoseok hyung came along with me to get the decorations and stuff. 

Before I knew it, we already had the string lights up and the candles and stuff up, all that was left were the clues. Hoseok hyung already went up to put notes one, two, and three somewhere near the entrance and Yoongi hyung went to put up notes four, five, and six, and if it wasn't already clear, Joon hyung went to put up notes seven, eight, and nine. 

While they were doing that, I was trying to practice my lines because god forbid I mix up the spiel I had plan for tonight. I was pulled out of my memorization session when I heard my text tone go off. 

EommaJin: Jimin's on the way with Jungkook!

Me: Okay! Okay!

"Places! Places everyone!" I hear Namjoon hyung yell like some director, even that didn't calm my nerves. I stood in my place besides the large tree. Getting the final text from Jimine hyung, I pull out my phone to read the almost frightening words.

MochiChim: Jungkook's here! Good luck bud!

Sadly this book is coming to an end! Next chapter will be the final chapter! Imma really miss writing this train wreck! Anyways! HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE PPLSSSS! Spend time with your family, eat tons of food and thank your parents because they've done a lot to conceive you! Baiiiiiiii

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