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Ok guys.. This is the final note of this story..
As I'm not getting enough response I've decided that I'll end this story within next five chapters...

I know, I posted a teaser which is yet to come..
But now it won't come..
It was an indication of the upcoming twist..
But as I'm ending it there will be no twist..
And I'll remove the teaser soon...

Please don't think that I'm doing all this seek your attention..
I'm doing this because I'm actually hurt..
This is my very first full fledged story..
And it's really close to my heart..
I wanted to continue it for sometime more..
But if my readers don't want that, then for whom I'll waste my energy and time??

I did everything which was possible for me to do to make things up to you guys..
But till you people are not satisfied..
You guys are so busy that you can't even click on the star icon which hardly takes a second or two..

First time when I noticed that the votes are decreasing, that time only I asked you if you found it boring or not..
Even I told you to tell me if any of you want me to change something or not..
I always ask for your opinion..
I tried to update it after a long tiring day in college..
I even updated it in between my exam..

Can't I expect a small 'nice' or 'good' in return??
I really miss your comments..
It used to be my energy booster..
But now maximum of you don't bother to comment on it..
Forget about comment you guys have stopped voting also..
Previously It was disappointing..
But now it's hurting..
It's really hurting to see your ignorance towards this story..

Well I'm not blaming you..
I know it's my fault that I'm not be able to make things interesting for you..
And I won't ask you to vote and comment from now on..
I've started this story and now I've to finish it..
I can't leave it just like that..
If none of you vote and comment on next five chapters then even I'll post it..

Thanks for all your support you showered on it..
I'm sorry for all my mistakes..
Good bye..

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