Chapter 7

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After Action Report

"You've a minor wound from a beam weapon that partly penetrated your shoulder. I've repaired your muscle, your blood vessels, your nerves, and skin. You sustained a minor concussion which I've repaired. You've extensive bruising on your side despite the armor. You can continue with your activities in five minutes," the medical AI said slightly improving her previous arrogant manner.

"You've been in the pod for two and a half hours. You've had treatment using superior Empire technology, Yada, Yada, Yada. I've corrected all your problems."

The voice reminded him of Phyllis Pritchett an elderly spinster who taught him at Junior High school. She was a shapeless woman of indefinite age with thin gray hair. She used to tilt her head backward to look at him down her nose. She had disliked him from the first instant that she had seen him. After every examination, he would have to go back to her to discuss his paper as she usually scored him poorly even if he had the answer correct. Jason often suspected that she did this to have an argument with him. She treated him as if he was an idiot even though he was an excellent mathematician and achieved outstanding results.

The AI however no longer behaved as if Jason was a waste of time, but the voice still grated and she still sounded condescending.

"Thank you so much for providing such superior medical care from the Empire," said Jason laughing. "I wonder what medical care would be like from a civilization that's sixty-thousand years ahead of the Empire. They might do the same treatment in minutes while I was fully awake and entertain me with go-go dancers," retorted a grinning Jason, "And I'm telling you this because you've improved a lot but there's a lot of scope for improvement. Always remember there are others better than you and remember people want a compassionate pod not one that thinks she's the bee's knees. Your voice needs to be worked on next. It needs to be more sexy, deep, and husky. You sound like a prissy schoolmarm."

"Yes, my Lord," said the pod, "I'll do my best. I know the whole spiel of superior Empire stuff is a real bore. I'll send you some samples of voice and if my Lord has the time I'd appreciate your advice on the best voice. My voice is a standard one supplied by the priests. I'll check through the options."

Jason had fought in many fights during karate, aikido, and judo tournaments that he had involved himself in since early childhood. He had fought in Vietnam. He had been hurt and had bones broken but was fortunate not to have been shot. That wasn't entirely true he thought. I was hit three times but they were superficial injuries without much in the way of treatment and rehabilitation needed.

He considered himself fortunate to be provided with a high-level of medical treatment in the Empire. He knew that he would have had hours of surgery at home and would have needed a long period of rehabilitation. His shoulder would have never been the same. It felt fine even now but he couldn't move very much in the pod.

"Will I need any rehabilitation for my shoulder O wise medical AI? Is my shoulder fully fixed, or was the job incomplete and I'll need months of rehabilitation?" Jason asked.

"The repair is complete and your shoulder will work. Your shoulder will recover its full strength within four days. Begin your usual gym slowly with your weights at fifty percent of the usual. You can run as you do with the dogs. Do not engage in unarmed combat for two days. You may do your forms. You don't need formal rehabilitation. You may leave the pod in five minutes. Is there anything else I can help you with?" The pod asked in a husky voice somewhat deeper. "How is that voice, Milord?"

The AI was polite. It was also almost contrite. "That was a lot better," Jason remarked. "Thank you very much, I do appreciate your care. I'll do as you direct from an exercise point of view. Do you know what happened after I lost consciousness?"

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