Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

"Are we almost there, Herald?" I ask him in a whiny tone. I guess he noticed a while ago that I had fallen asleep because he jumped when I spoke.

"Shit!" he said. "Sorry didn't realize you were awake."

"That's okay, it's not like i've never heard cuss words before." Or have said them, i think to myself. "Anyway, I just woke up. So, we almost there?"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure we're about 30 minutes away." He told me while peeking over at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Is my uncle Brian going to let you stay the night? You know, so you don't have to drive back home and risk falling asleep?" I joke with him.

Usually i'm not a good joker but i guess he understood because he chuckled. "No. After I drop you and your stuff off, I'm going to go to a hotel where I have a room booked for the night. It's only a little ways farther than your uncle's house."

"Why not ask him to let you stay? I'm sure he wouldn't mind." What am I saying, I don't even know this dude.

"I did." That shocked me. "He was the one who suggested the hotel. Guess he wants you to himself. Probably to get to know you better without your social worker butting in." He explained.

"Hey Herald? Can i ask you a question?" I asked, hoping he'll say yes.

"'Course dear." He replied honestly.

Here goes nothing. "What do you think Uncle Brian's like? Do you think he's nice? Do you think he'll like me?"

 "Well," Herald started, "I think that yeah he will be nice. I'm not quite sure what to tell you about what he'll be like seeing that i haven't met him. He sounded alright when i talked on the phone with him and he seems to be a man who like his privacy. He does live out in the middle of the woods but hey it could just be the house. And, yeah, I'm pretty sure he'll like you. He'd be stupid not to like a sweet girl like you." He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze before letting it go.

"Plus," he continued, "you have to remember, that he doesn't have any children. He lives by himself, and from the looks of it, he has for quite some time now. It may take both him and you a while to get used to you being there. You try and remember that okay?"

"Yeah, I'll remember that." I sat up, and turned toward him. "Can I tell you something?"

Herald smiled and nodded.

"I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like me, even though you say he should. What if I don't like him? What if he doesn't like teenagers?" I gasped, and stopped talking, afraid of going into a panic attack. So instead of continuing like i wanted to i focused on keeping my breath even. In-out. In-out. In-out.

Herald eyed me cautiously before turning back to the road. "Well, I'm not sure if he is exactly thrilled about a teenage girl coming to live with him but, hey, at least he didn't say not, that he wouldn't take you in. That has to mean that he want to try and connect with you. At least he has agreed to try. Though as for you liking him? Well, darling, that's up to you. If at first you don't like him, just give it time. I'm sure that once you get to know him everything will work out fine. Try and get to know him. Just remember to still give him space, like not prying on things he doesn't want to talk about. If you do this, he'll probably give you space in return."

All i could do was nod. Herald had a point. I was still nervous, but Herald's advice seemed to help me calm down some. My thinking was cut off when Herald made a noise from the back of his throat.

"There is supposed to be a turn-off somewhere around here soon. But, where?" Herald asked himself. I, however, just started nervously tapping. We're almost there.

About a minute after Herald spoke, he found the road that would lead to my uncle's house. Oh shit, i thought to myself. Immediately all the nervousness Herald talked off came flooding back. I could feel i light sweat form on my forehead.

"Now Cayla, at the end of this road is your uncles house." He pause. "I'll help take your stuff in but after that i'll have to leave. You have my number if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call okay?"

I gulped. "Okay. I will." I replied with as much courage that i could summon. I know he could see right through that courage.

"Everything is gonna be fine darling. You'll see." He reassured me.

I just nodded. The road we were on was darker then the highway we turned off of. My guess was because of the trees that bordered both sides of the road. The road curved right and left but never actually turned. We drove for what i'd say was about 3 miles before we came to a small clearing that opened up to medium sized meadow.

The meadow was filled with all sorts of wildflowers that were gorgeous. Past the meadow was the house. It was the biggest house i've ever seen. The house was four stories high and almost all of the walls were made of glass. The inside was all lit up and made it even more beautiful. From the car which was still pulling up to the porch, you could see different kind of old paintings along the walls. 

Then, i turned my attention towards the door which was opening. It was made of glass, of course, and looked to be framed with wood.  And, standing in the doorway, was a man.

Sorry, I know, sucky ending. I honestly could not thing of anything else. Anyway, please comment and vote!

PS: The picture on the side, i picture the house like the second layer with the wood frame and glass walls. So, of course picture it anyway that you do but, just saying, the second layer there is how i picture the whole house but like multiplied on each level.

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