Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

        My nerves were going crazy as i watched the man step away from the open door toward Herald's car. He seemed to move like you'd expect a shadow to. My palms were sweaty and i was trying to calm my breaths but nothing was helping.

        Once the man, who i'm guessing was my uncle Brian, got of the porch, Herald opened his door causing the lights to come on. This allowed me a full look of my uncle, though i immediately wished i was somewhere else because his gaze was set on me.

        My first observation of Uncle Brian was that he was very handsome and also looked almost exactly like me except manlier. He had the same black wave hair that i had. Well at least i figured out that mystery, i thought to myself. Neither of my parents had my hair, theirs were both a mixture of brown and blonde, as well as my grandparents. I then moved my eyes to examine his face. It was shape similar to mine, with high,defined cheekbones, full lips, and a slight cleft chin. His nose was my nose, a small slope that fit perfectly on my face. Lastly, i looked into his eyes. They were the same blue-violet eyes that I have. No one else in our family had them. I knew this, before my parents died, i asked why i was so different. They had told me that i must've gotten my looks, hair and eyes, from someone in the family from before their grandparents time. Now i'm shocked as to why he had them.

         Shit, this is creepy. How the fuck do we look so much alike? He must of noticed me staring at him in confusion because he started smirking, then he flicked his eyes over to Herald, who was getting out of the car. They started talking to each other while i sat in the car watching them, having no clue what they were saying. Then Brian inclined his head toward me and Herald nodding, stepped back to his car door that he left open.

        "Well, this is it. Cayla? You planning on coming out?" He asked me.

        "Do i have a choice?" I quietly muttered while unbuckling and opening my door. As i stepped out, i could help but think that maybe, just maybe, i might enjoy staying here. I mean, this house is absolutely stunning and really big. From my spot by the car, I could see paintings that hung on the walls, through the glass.

        I stood there staring at the house for a few moments before taking a deep breath and turning to where Herald and Brian were standing at the front of the car, silently watching me. I blush, startled. Wow, dude like this is fucking creepy. What the hell, i think with a shrug. Might as well get this over with.

         I reached back into the car and grabbed my backpack that i had brought with me with stuff i wouldn't get bored with or didn't want to put in my suitcases or one of the boxes. I slowly extended from my bent over figure, and leaned back out of the car. Softly shutting the door, I walked up to Herald's side, across my uncle. Fully aware of them still watching me, I decided that now is probably the best time to speak.

        "Um, hi." I start slowly in a low voice. "I'm Cayla. Yeah, your, uh, niece."

        Just now realizing, he probably knew nothing about me, as i knew absolutely nothing about him. Though if they did tell him stuff about me, i don't know what exactly that would be.

        He suprised me though by chuckling. "Yes, Cayla. I know all about you. I'm your Uncle Brian." He hesitated. Wow, i thought. His voice is like an angel. Soft and beautiful. I could do nothing but stare as he continues speaking.

        "You can call me Uncle Brian, just Brian, or uncle. Any one you choose, i'm fine with. Or you could just call me all of them. Yeah, that'd work. Also im sorry about your parents, and that we'd never met while they were still alive. Your father and I didn't get along well even being twins."

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