Chapter 1

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It was one fine evening. Looking through the sea of students enjoying their dinner, Tom narrowed his eyes. He was searching for her, one particular girl with magnificent violet eyes. It had been three days since he saw her. When he uttered the last sentence, he hadn't imagined her running away from the damn library. Thanks to her not wearing her school robes the other day, Tom was unable to guess her house, but he was damn sure she was not a fellow Slytherin.

Tom never voiced his opinions about other houses. He always believed that Ravenclaws were show-offs with their know-it-all attitude, Gryffindors were noisy idiots, and Hufflepuffs were simply a waste of space. Neither of them deserved his attention. However, at that moment, he was somewhat cursing his beliefs.

Beside him, there was a usual group of six boys who considered themselves his friends. In front of him, Evan Rosier and Marcus Mulciber were eating as if there was no tomorrow. On the left side of Evan, Abraxas Malfoy was fruitlessly scolding them for their poor table manners. They ignored, obviously. On the right side of Marcus, Alphard Black was shamelessly flirting with Margot Droope, whom Benjamin Lestrange was eying pathetically. The only sane person on the group Anthony Avery, who was reading some novel, was sitting between Tom and Benjamin. The group consisted of the most obnoxious pureblood maniacs of the school. All of them were purebloods except Tom, whom they never questioned about his blood because he was a star Slytherin. Malfoy was the first one to notice Tom's desperate attempts to find something or rather someone in the great hall.

"Who are you looking for Riddle?"

"No one that you should be concerned about Malfoy," Tom spat.

From the right side of Tom, Anthony snickered earning him curious glances from all of them except Tom, who narrowed his eyes further on him. Tom would not hesitate to kill his best friend or follower if he spilt something in front of the others.

"Oh, nothing. Just a quote in this book." He held up his book as if to prove his point further and gave Tom a very sheepish grin. For now, at least, he was safe.

*The next day in Potion's class*

"Well done Tom, my boy," Slughorn said. His eyes were twinkling with admiration. "Take ten points."

Tom gave him a tight smile. As if Invigoration draught would be difficult for him. In his opinion, it was the simplest of them all. The fifth-year Slytherins shared this class with their fellow Hufflepuffs. This year they suffered various accidents during their classes. Apparently, some clumsy Hufflepuff was responsible for all those mishaps. Slughorn left his side to go and inspect the other potions in the class. Tom shook his head and took out his journal to note down the changes he wanted to test on this potion in his free time. He was about to continue his writing when he heard,

"Wow, Miss Winters! You have outdone yourself. Take five points for not exploding my classroom with your potion this time. And I hope that this won't be the last time."

Out of curiosity, he took a peek at his pathetic classmate. Salazar! That was her. Right there, she was standing. Her face burned in embarrassment. Her hands fiddled with her yellow tie. Her nervous eyes glanced anywhere but Slughorn. The same girl, who gave him an attitude, who ran away from him as if he was some disease. The same girl whom he was trying to find. That violet-eyed witch. Was she a pathetic Hufflepuff?

"Okay, now you all can go. The class dismissed."

And at that moment Tom knew that that was his opportunity. She won't be leaving without giving him answers. He knew he won't let her slip easily this time. He would chase her if he had to.


# PottermoreFact: Invigoration Draught is a potion which presumably boosts the drinker's energy.

#fact: I don't have anything against any house, it's Tom Riddle who is portraying his view about other houses.

#for those who aren't familiar with the HP universe:
Hogwarts is a school in Scotland which has divided students into the four houses -
(colours: red & gold;
founder: Godric Gryffindor;
symbol: Lion;
Quality: Brave)
(colour: Blue and Bronze;
founder: Rowena Ravenclaw;
symbol: Eagle;
Quality: Wit)
(colour: Yellow & Black; founder: Helga Hufflepuff;
Symbol: Badger;
Quality: Loyal, Hardworking)
(colour: Green & Silver; founder: Salazar Slytherin;
Symbol: Snake;
Quality: Cunning, ambitious)

Wherever you can see, I added the eyes of our mysterious lady. Aren't they beautiful?

I hope this chapter was not boring.

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