Chapter 30

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Wandering the woodland

Tom looked in the direction of those alluring eyes to see they were gone. Without giving a damn about his past self, he left those secure walls of that ancient castle. He bent down to pick a shredded piece of her garment. It was dark blue in colour. Without thinking twice, he inhaled that tattered piece. The addictive scent of fresh coconuts invaded his senses. His eyes closed enjoying the familiarity of that smell. A heavy sigh escaped his sinful lips. Never did he think that the simple smell could be this magnetic.

He opened his eyes and looked ahead to see the edges of the forest. His eyes penetrating through those stout trunks while his mind narrowing down the list of possible actions he could take. It was not like it was his first time to enter those lands. Every year his school rule reminded him about their forbiddance, but Tom was never one to follow orders, especially when they are given by someone else.

However, the situation he was in that day was a different story. Yes, he knew that those lands housed many dangerous creatures, but the surety of a freely wandering werewolf was not a situation to be taken lightly. His mind was boggled. His head hung low trying to contemplate the decision. His dark eyes landed on that piece of a garment whose scent gave away its owner, reminding him why he was there in the first place.

He pocketed that piece. His eyes shined with this newly found determination. His long, slender fingers tightened around the handle of that yew wooden wand. Making up his mind he entered in the forbidden forest.


Tom's wand was raised ahead of him. It created light for him to see a few feet in those crowded woods. The moonlight left his companionship the moment he entered in that forest. The odour of soil and wood entered his nose. His vision was trying to find the reason for his visit, while his keen hearing was thirsting for any sign of life. The silence in that jungle almost made him doubt his ears.


He heard the sound of dropping something in the water, indicating that he had neared the sacred pond in the forest. Tom snorted. Everything in those forbidden lands was anything but sacred. However, that sound meant he was not alone. He straightened a little. He stopped casting the spell to avoid any unwanted attention and reached the clearings.

Unlike the ground in those thorny trunks, the moon was illuminating that pond full-heartedly. His head turned from left to right. His eyes searched for the source of that sound while keeping himself hidden in those trunks. Disappointment overwhelmed his sharp features when he found none.

He turned back only for his chocolaty eyes to get connected with midnight eyes. Even in the dark, he could see that this new companion of his was almost seven feet tall. Shorter than the wolf he saw earlier, but taller than him nonetheless. He insensibly took a step back, causing that thing to take a step ahead. The process continued until the creature reached the edge of that forest. With his wand still clutched in his now shaking hand, Tom could see the features of this new addition. A shiver ran down his spine when he saw those beady eyes, that contrasted that inhumanly pale complexion, scrutinizing him. Though this new associate of his had human-like features, his brain was screaming at him that he was anything but that. This shiver was nothing compared to what he felt when he was around his fireball. Unlike the latter, which gave him a sense of dominance and delight, this one was making him feel inferior and afraid.

Tom wanted to run away, at the same time he wanted to fight this thing off. He tried to mask his inner turmoil, but that clearly had failed since the lips of this new being curved into a sinister smile.

"What a fine, young wizard like you doing here in this land?" The male asked him. His voice was as sharp as a knife, cutting the silence that Tom now missed.

"The answer depends on who is asking me?" Tom asked, keeping the quiver in his voice at bay.

The unknown male chuckled darkly,

"My name is Sition." He ran his hand through black shoulder length hairs. A teasing smirk was now mocking him. "I am a vampire who hasn't tasted human blood for quite some time."

Tom stiffened. Of course, he knew what vampires were, but he never encountered them before. It was told to them that vampires were restricted from entering the grounds of Hogwarts unless they have some official purpose.

"But I think it's about time."

Tom raised his wand, his eyes challenging him to continue, "Take one step and I will use unforgivable."

"Oh yeah?" the vampire mocked. He then raised his hand in front of him, bent it in the elbow. He flicked his hand and in the nanoseconds, Tom's trustworthy wand left his sides to plop down somewhere in that dark place. Vampires were good with wandless magic. Tom knew that, but he never thought they were this good.

Tom's eyes searched for the place where his wand was dropped. He tried to use his own wandless magic to get it, but owing to his anxiety he failed. He looked back up to see that the blood-sucker had crossed the distance between them. This time his lips were parted. His fangs were visible.

The vampire was about to pounce on Tom when a wolf came out of nowhere and launched itself on him. From the appearance, it was the same wolf Tom was trying to track.


I hope this chapter was not a disappointment. I am so sorry if it was.

# Fact: The name Sition, has its origin in the Latin word Sitio which means thirst. It's an OC. The vampires are not described very clearly by J. K. ma'am, so I am using my imagination.

I want to share a secret with you. There is a reason why this story started in Tom's fifth year. He had not murdered a single soul until that year, so his soul was completely human by that time. That's why he is able to feel vulnerability.
I know this chapter was a filler, but trust me I want to write some adventures in his life. After all, we have three weeks of lag.

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