Scared of Death

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That what we feel
When we see
Someone is dying
Someone talking about death

Why we scared of Death
Because we scared that
Our amalan is not enough
Because we do so much mistake
Because we scared of azab kubur
Because we scared with Neraka

I feel the same way too

When we said " Death"
My body feel cold
So scary
I can't even imagine
How my death will be

"Rasulullah have said:
The clever person is the one who always remember death"

And we all will meet death

When? Only  Allah who know
That's why we must prepare ourselves
To meet death

"Ya Allah, matikan lah aku dalam Islam, matikan lah aku dalam Iman, matikan lah aku dalam keadaan yang baik"

Doa is Muslim weapon

Allah hear what we said in our doa.

So please,
Bertaubatlah, istigfar,solat , doa dan usaha.

In syaa Allah,
Make our doa came true
In syaa Allah,
We all will get in jannah without hisab...

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