Burn the love

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I just burnt my love
My feelings went down with her
She was a quick bone fire
A piece of common paper she was
And with the strike of lightning
From my energetic right arm
Using my mother's match box I set her ablaze

She burnt quickly
she screamed my name loudly
The fire was burning deep
Till she turned onto a small spot of ashes.
I put her in a small pot for me to remember

Remember the love that went sour
The love that I never had
The love and trust I  gave out so easily
And now you are burning
Proving to me that she wasn't the one
So I left her to burn. As I turned and looked away
As she burnt till she was no more

At the end it was just me and her
Me in full body
Her in ashes
Me in tears
Her in fear
For her new state
For ashes she had become
And loveless I has grown
To never love another

So I picked her ashes
Ready to bury the hatches
And dumped them in the nearest bin
For she wasn't worth my time
She wasn't worth my love

And maybe just maybe
I should stop trusting my heart
Since it is the riskiest thing of all
So allow me;
                         Burn the love


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