my first kiss

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Right from the start you were a thief
And you stole my heart
And I , your willing victim, so when you
Gave me my first kiss
The kiss of life
A kiss of fire and ice
A kiss of good and better decisions
My heart leapt and lost a beat .

It was long sweet and romantic
Holding you by your torso
And u clinging on me ,
my heart between crossroads..
You were a girl on fire

Your lips tasted like a mash up of flavours
A mixture of strawberry vanilla and chocolate
As I kissed your oxbow lips
Those Kylie Jenner lips all I could do was
Hope that that feeling could remain forever
And every time I see u
I always remember the flavour of your lips
A flavour that I can never forget
A flavour I am not so sure about
For that flavour was a mash up
And I loved every second I tasted it

                        👣   Boy Fidel Leon 👣

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