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[Written at 2am. Yeet.]

Dan was drowning, drowning in Phil. He moaned, embarrassingly loudly. He didn't care, it was Phil. His Phil. And tonight was their night.

A beeping noise interrupted him. "Ugh stop it", Dan whined. "What is that? Ph- JESUS." Dan had actually opened his eyes to find himself tangled in his bedsheets. He screamed, obnoxiously high-pitched. He managed to get himself even more tangled, so when he finally saw the figure standing by his bedside, all he could do was scream again.

"Dan, whoa, calm down!" Jack said. Dan sighed with relief. "What were you doing in here? I heard noises. Um... weird noises..." "Nothing! Nothing, I wouldn't bring anyone in here, I uhhh-" Dan spluttered, face going red. "Wet dream?" Jack grinned. "Shut up." "Gladly. Need some help there?" "...yeah."

They finally got Dan untangled from the sheets. Jack mooched off somewhere else, leaving Dan to put his shirt back on and block out any memories of his dream.

He dragged himself to the kitchen. Matthew, Stephanie and Cry were sitting there, laughing about someone. "You need a towel Dan?" Stephanie called to him. Dan frowned. "Why?" he asked. "You're looking a bit... wet", she smirked. Cry shook with silent laughter and Matthew slowly slid down in his chair, cackling his sounds-like-a-certain-mammal-that-may-or-may-not-be-a-dolphin laugh.

"Jack you Irish bastard!" Dan screamed. "Yes?" the Irish bastard in question said innocently, emerging from the doorway. "Why did you tell them?!!" "We could all h-hear you", Matthew coughed. Dan scowled, face flushing. "You made a few... interesting sounds..." Cry said, leaning forward. "He needs a towel!" Stephew shrieked simultaneously.

"What why?" Dan said. "You kept screaming 'I'm so wet, I'm so wet'!" Matthew laughed. "Oh God", Dan muttered. Steph threw a towel at him.

Matthew pressed a finger to his earpiece and stood up. "Mission", he said, heading to his computer. The villains changed and raced into the streets.

Dan and Phil started fake-fighting. "H-Hey", Dan stuttered, ignoring the dream that was tapping at the edges of his mind. "What's with the stuttering?" Phil laughed. "You'd swear you'd never seen me before!" "Uh."

"Guys Dan needs help, the water hero is brain-washing him", Matthew chuckled. "HE NEEDS A TOWEL", Jack and Stephanie yelled, racing towards Dan. Jack, obviously got there immediately, and picked Phil up, carrying the protesting hero and speeding away to another street.

Stephanie grabbed Dan by the sleeve and, laughing, dragged him back to the Institute.

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