True feelings right?

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It was the next morning . I was getting dressed thinking about yesterday. I just can't get it out of my mind . What was he going to tell me ??!!! I couldn't go to sleep yesterday. I had so many thoughts floating around in my head many feelings I don't know what to do.I ate my breakfast .

I checked the time and it was time to go to work.

~At work~
I walk into the office I see him, his hands on his head ... is he sleeping? I walk up to him and lightly tap his shoulder. His head sprung up . He looked so pale his eyes were a bit red. "Omg are you ok Namj- i mean sir?" I asked him in a worried voice .He looked at me " Im-*cough fine its just *cough *cough a cold, I'll be fine don't worry" he whispered huskily because he was losing his voice. "No, your going home right now . I will ask someone to cover me . I'm taking you home" I said in a firm voice .

He looked at me " But-" he struggled to talk "No buts . Coat . Now" I raised my voice. I don't know what happened to me but I felt so caring . I care about him . Why.....

I got someone to cover me . We finally walked to the car and drove to his house.

~At his house~
We walk in this massive house. Its so beautiful and big . Everything is so clean and perfect.

He is shaking he probably has temperature. He walked to his couch and literally collapsed on the couch . He was so weak. I took my shoes and coat off.

I walked to the couch and saw a blanket . I took the blanket to cover him. "Thank you y/n, can I ask you something? He smiled. "Yes sir" i replied politely." Why are you helping me ? I was being such a dick to you, why?" His voice was getting quieter"I don't know. I just know that I care about you sir" i said looking down , i was getting shy."Y/n stop calling me sir , I'm Namjoon to you" he said with a light chuckle .

I turned the tv on. "Where's your medicine drawer or anything with medicine, i need a thermometer." I walked up to him and leaned to touch his forehead if he was hot , jesus he was damn hot. " I don't think I need a thermometer. You are so damn hot" I said which made me realize the way I said it. " he looked at me and laughed " Not in that wa—" i was cut off " I know I know " he laughed even harder. " I will go make some tea and a snack and then later on some chicken noodle soup ,ok?" I smiled .

" Thank you so much, you seriously don't have to . Im so lucky I have you in my life" he smiled which made me blush.

As I made the tea and mini sandwiches I put it on a tray that I found. I brought it to him. He looked at me with glass eyes . Wow he's really ill. He looked at me with this tiredness but also happiness . " Can I give you a hug? " he asked shyly. " Wh- yeah..." i got red as a tomato .

He stood up and wrapped his hands around me .I can feel how hot he was . He was burning . I hugged him back. He hugged me so long seemed like forever.

I pulled away and our faces were so close together.... " Oh I forgot the soup , I'll go make it ok? " i awkwardly said . He let go of me and flopped back on the couch.

He smiled at me weakly. I put the blanket back on top of him and tucked him in " Y/n you look and act like a mum I never had " he laughed . I looked at him and smiled sweetly.....I went back to the kitchen to make the soup when I heard a loud noise from the living room

To be continued...

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