My own brother

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I was crying so hard. My own blood. My own brother is telling me to remove my baby.

How dare he. I don't understand him. My parents were never here for me. Especially my dad is like he hated me . He always gave everything to Jimin. He was always the favorite child.

Not that im complaining but he always got the better gifts on Christmas or on birthdays. No matter what he did my dad always put him above me.

That misogynistic piece of shit.I was always told to listen to him like he was some sort of royalty


"Your brother just came back from football practice go make him some food" my dad said with authority clear in his voice.

"Im not his maid, and he is not 5. He can do it himself" I replied calmly.
My dad banged his fist on the table " you as I say" he angrily spat at me.
"Or what? Im tired of this" I blurted out.

Before I knew he stormes over to me and roughly grabbed my forearm " listen here you little spoiled girl. You make some food for your brother like your suppose to and I dont want to hear another word from you" he hissed in my face.
:End of flashback:

I felt like I was never loved . But when I finally feel loved someone has to come and ruin it.

I heard the body guards talking outside the door .

But I just ignored it. My tears were flowing like a river. My eyes were red. Why cant i just be happy?

I was staring into space when the door swung open and I see Namjoon standing there ....his jaw clenching.....his hand in a fist......His veins on his arms popping out.

He looked scary. I jumped a bit.
"what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" He asked whilst walking towards me.I quickly wiped my tears away.
"You can't hide them " he said while pulling my hands away from my wet face.
"Nothing happened I'm fine"I said whilst looking down.

He pulled my chin up so I was looking at him. "Stop.Lying." His eyes getting watery."Why are you crying?" I asked him "I don't want to lose you.....The guards told me what happened......please don't remove the baby.....please don't leave me" he started to sob.

I look at him with surprise. "Baby,I will not remove the baby. I love you. I will never leave you and I don't care what my brother says or what my family does"I said while caressing his wet cheek.He smiled at me.

I stroked his hair softly and looked him in the eyes and smiled . I'm so lucky to have him.I stared at him for a long time till I snapped out of my thoughts "Babeeee" he whined"helloooo are you here???" I shook my head anf blinked a few times. "Oh sorry I just zoned out for a bit" I giggled.

He had to leave again.
I was left alone. Only me and my baby. I soon drifted off to sleep

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