Please....I need you right now

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My mind was blank I couldn't think straight. You probably thought my dad is a nice person. Well you got a look of what he really is like.

I slowly bent down to get the suit case . When Jimin looked at me with worried eyes. His expression was really different. I know he hates me. But like his face just went blank. I looked away with anger. I actually can't believe that my own dad and brother are doing this. Or more that I think of it it's actually very believable.

I didn't have many clothes or anything. So I quickly threw everything I had in the suit case. "Hurry the fuck up! Our car is waiting "he said ,his voice full of disgust.
I looked at him trying to find a bit of guilt in his eyes.But there's no point the dad I used to laugh with is now long gone.

When my mum was still alive he was never like this.
He changed so much ever since her death. Everyone changed since her death. I can never forgive myself. The way dad is acting just reminds me why he hates me so much.

Its like he pushed me away further than I already was.

I changed from the hospital clothes and got ready "Can I-" I started to say."I don't want to hear it ! Now move!" He shouted in my face . His fist clenching. Wouldn't be the first time I had a taste of his "discipline".

I was shaking . I felt dizzy from all of this.

As we walked out I looked around to see where the body guards are . I don't see them anywhere. Thats fucking amazing.

I was looking around for any sort of escape, anything that could get me away from him.
"Don't even fucking thing about it" my dad's grip getting tighter around my arm.

We walked outside and I saw a black range rover. All of the windows were darkened. I couldn't see if there was anyone inside. Not that, it would help.

I looked at my brother. He just looked at me and gave me a small it's ok smile. I seriously don't understand him. One minute he's nice and then the other he's acting like a total dickhead. Again absolutely nothing new.

We got into the car and drove straight to the airport. The whole trip was quiet. I mean am I suppose to scream? Its not going to help is it.

~Namjoon's POV~
I was finishing off the last pieces of the papers. I couldn't wait to see her.

I haven't seen her since morning.

As I finally locked the door of the office . I quickly walked down the stairs straight to my car. I got in and drove as fast as I could.

~20 min later~
I got out of the car and walked straight to the  her room. I opened the door to see a nurse cleaning up her bed . But y/n wasn't in the room.

My whole body froze. Where the hell is she?!
I grabbed the nurse by her arm and started to shout "WHERE THE HELL IS THAT PATIENT?!" She looked at me scared "Two men came and took her . I heard them taking about New York and airport and that something bad might happen to someone."she rambled out.

I couldn't think straight. I pushed the nurse to the bed and ran out of the room. I was pushing everyone out of my way.

I drove off faster than ever . I was swearing underneath my breath. My hands were gripping the stirring wheel so tight my knuckles were turning pale. All I saw was red. Pure anger.

The airport was about 30 min away. I don't know if Im gonna make it. I can't lose her.

I just have the feeling its her fucking brother.
Wouldn't surprise me that he had something to do with this.
But the nurse said two men.

At this point I don't care if it's 10 or a 100 men. I will kill each and one of them with my own fucking hands.

I got out of the car running to the entrance when I saw two men in suits standing by the gate to the plane.

I was going to run to them but someone stopped me I look around to see who it is .

~A/n omg Im rly sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I was just running out of ideas . And some stuff going on with school.
Thanks for reading. Im not sure when the next time I'm going to update xxx Comment and vote . Thanks

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