Chapter 4

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Yeet. I love you guys. Especially those that comment on me constantly breaking the fourth wall. Like, I tried to do it for comedic effect, but I started reading the comments about it and I was pissing myself. Thanks you guys for being super awesome and supportive. I love you. This sin't necessarily following the mcga script, I'm actually writing a little in between bit this time. Don't forget to vomment. I love you. On with the story.


Stretching, I groaned as I sat up from the warm sheets, the brisk winter air hitting my body. Why do I have to be up at this ungodly hour?, I questioned myself. I had been roused from my sleep by some odd notion that something was calling my name. I looked around the room to the door, expecting to hear one of my brothers or sisters yelling at me for God knows what.

Swinging my legs around and grabbing a sweatshirt, I decided to go get a drink, as my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth. (Does anyone else wake up like that in the middle of the night? Leave it in the comments.)Before I left my room I turned the heat up. I walked into the pristine kitchen, grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet, and put it under the water dispenser. I raised the glass to my lips when all of a sudden I didn't see it anymore. 

Instead my vision was replaced by a desperate Hearth running, and pressing my communication stone. There was something behind him, something dark and hulking. I got the message clear as day, he was in trouble, and he direly needed help.

 I dropped my glass to the counter, and prepared to make a transportation spell. I couldn't go to him at this hour, without the wards setting off an alarm, but I could bring him to me. I chanted as a circle filled with ancient symbols sat in front of me on the floor, glowing red. I saw tendrils of light flying up before me, slowly growing wider, and climbing higher, until about seven feet high, when they peeled back.

Standing in front of me was a wounded, grimy elf, that looked dangerously green. In his hands he clasped my communication stone. I rushed forward to help him, moving him to one of the stools sitting next to the counter. I stood up, and noticed he set the stone down and was trying to sign to me.

I felt bad, I don't know sign language. However, I can communicate kinda sorta telepathically. Since I'm not good with words, it's sometimes through images, but I try my best. I looked him in the eye, he lowered his hands as he saw the look on my face, realizing I couldn't read what he was trying to tell me. 

I started speaking slowly to him, so he could read my lips. "I'm going to open a mental connection with you, okay?", he nodded,"You'll be able to keep your private thoughts, but you can communicate to me through it." He nodded again in understanding.

I closed my eyes, and reached out with my mind. I could feel him, and his energy. It was dark, which I thought was odd for an elf. But I've heard what beings had to go through to gain magical abilities. I pushed into his mind, and imagined a connection between us, strengthening it. 

Can you hear me?, I asked.

His eyes grew wide, and he flushed green. I waited a few seconds, and then I heard a soft, Yes. Grinning, I asked him if he wanted some water, or a shower. Oh gods, yes please, a shower. I giggled, and helped him up. Slowly, but surely we made it to my bedroom, which was fairly small this time. It wasn't like our last mansion. 

This time we had moved into a cute log cabin in the middle of nowhere. Away from everyone, but not too far away. I helped him shuffle into the bathroom. I'll see if I can snatch some of my brother's clothes. They have armadas of clothes, so I should be able to find something. He nodded, and I grabbed a towel out of the closet for him, then went to go steal some clothes.


I got back to the room about twenty minutes later with a fresh set of clothes just for Hearth. I set them down on a lounge chair next to the door, and told him where they were. A few minutes later I finally heard the tap turn off, and the towel get yanked off the shower rod. I sat on my bed writing my essay for school over Dr. Mortimer from The Hound of Baskervilles, and his study of Phrenology. 

I heard the door slowly creak open, and saw Hearth snatch the clothes out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't help but laugh a little. After a few minutes he walked out of the bathroom, his hair damp, and not spiky like usual. Feel better?  I questioned. Definitely. Thank you. he answered.

I could tell he really wasn't used to this. It must be odd, to actually hear another person's voice besides your own. I couldn't imagine living in a world of silence, and being treated so poorly for so many years. I smiled at him, Do you wanna talk about what you were doing just now or how you got my communication stone? Or would you rather wait till morning?, I asked.

He grimaced, I just want to rest for now, he sighed as he sat in the lounge chair. I stood up and walked over to an outlet in my wall. I had fairy lights set up around the perimeter of my ceiling, as a nightlight. I remember elves tend to wilt, if they don't get enough light. I plugged them in and the room lit up in a soft ambiance.

He perked up from his seat, startled by the new lighting. Hearth slowly rose from the seat, slowly striding over to me. I looked in his gray eyes, wondering what he was doing, or thinking. Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug, something I really didn't expect. I hugged him back with the same amount of ferocity.

Hey, lets get some sleep. I know it's a weekend and all, but still need to sleep. I spoke softly through the connection. He nodded, but didn't move. I started to walk towards my bed but halted, when I realized he seemed confused, and raised an eyebrow. Hey, we don't really have a spare bedroom, so you'll just have to camp out in here with me. Kinda like a sleepover.

He seemed to flushed green at this, growing slightly nervous. Although, I have a rather large bed, we wouldn't even have to touch if he didn't want us to. Shrugging, I clambered into bed, and lied down in a heap. I heard him start to shuffle towards the bed, and slowly climb in from the other side. I couldn't really see, cause I was facing away from him. 

All of a sudden, (y/n)?, he asked. Hmm?,  I answered. I'm cold, do you care if..?,  suddenly I had an image in my head of an elven couple that was cuddling in front of a fireplace, and then another lying in bed spooning, and then another holding hands, and keeping close for warmth. I flushed slightly at the thought that Hearth had thought of it, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't cold too.

Yeah, sure. I turned up the heat, but the window pane doesn't protect much from the outside elements. I heard him rustle, and shuffle his way over to me under the blankets. He draped his arm around my waist, but didn't seem to know what to do with his other arm. I rolled over so I was facing him, and pushed him onto his back, laying my head on his chest, and resting my arm across his body.

He pulled the covers up around us and sighed, almost all the tension finally leaving his body. I listened to his breathing even out, and soon fell asleep to peaceful dreams myself.


Okie dokie kids, that's all I can pull out of my butt for right now, so Merry Hanukkah, happy Christmas, have an elated whatever you celebrate. I love you guys, you're great, I promise I will update soon, I just got a new laptop, and I super pumped over it. Don't forget to vomment. I will do spellcheck tomorrow at some point. Love you guys!

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