Tiffany (Girls Generation, Soloist) (New Edit)

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WC: 4,100 Words
(Originally 700 words)
(Sometimes, 5 years doesn't mean anything to some people)
Major TW.. very very toxic relationship

"I thought you were the one"

Short and heavy breaths escaped your lips. Each small huff was another second passing by, you could physically feel your time together running down, staying in this room.. staying with her. With every huff, your time ticked down, your present soon becoming your past. A past that did nothing but hurt you. 

You were in what was now your old room packing your stuff while she was gone. You wanted as little amount of confrontation as possible, so you figured that getting everything out in a hurry would be the best scenario for the both of you. While in the middle of putting all your shirts into your suitcase the door flew open. You heard her heavy footsteps before you heard her voice. 

"Just what do you think you're doing..?" That voice.. it hurt to hear. You never heard her voice get that spiteful before. Each word was a dagger to your heart. You wanted to break down right then and there but you knew you had to stay strong, for your sake. You couldn't fall right back into her arms, you had to leave.

"What does it look like? I'm leaving." You walked to your closet, adding more distance between the two of you, to grab the rest of your shirts.

"Why?" She followed behind you, displeasure written all over her face, her voice did little to hide her emotions.

"You know why." You kept your reply short, you didn't want the chance for your emotions to take over.

"Are you serious..?" she let out a dry laugh, "You're seriously leaving over that..? This is such bull shit, you can't be serious right now." Every word she spoke was like another drop of venom into your heart.

You zipped your suitcase shut before looking up at her, making eye contact as you enunciated your next few words carefully. "Yes, I'm doing what I should've done years ago." Good, you were able to keep your emotions under control. 

She grabbed your arm with a tight grip, it hurt but you didn't let your expression reflect that. "You know you're not going to leave me? As soon as you step out of that door, you're going to come back. You can't leave me. You know that."

You pulled your arm away from her, "I'm not playing around. I'm done. I don't want anything to do with you."

"Then leave" she took a step back before gesturing to the bedroom door.

"What do you think I'm trying to do.." You mumbled as you shook your head.

"I think you're all talk. You don't have the will to leave me. What do you think gives you the right to leave me..? Me! Of all people, are you crazy..? Did you lose your mind..? Do you want me to help you look for it. I will, after you put all your things back." 

"Do you even hear yourself right now..?" You grabbed your suitcase then you tried to make your way to the door. "I don't know what I saw in you.." You said the last part more to yourself than you did to her.

She grabbed your arm again, stopping you from moving any further away from her. "Oh really..? Hmm.. well that's funny, because for that past few years you just couldn't get enough of me, why the sudden change in heart..? Am I not satisfying you anymore..?"

Once again, you pulled yourself away from her, "Stop trying to pin all of this on me. You know why I'm leaving. Just looking at you makes me sick to my stomach." Okay now it was starting to get hard to keep your emotions under control.

She was now standing right in front of you, she wrapped her arms around your neck, pulling you into her. You were now just a few centimeters apart.. Months ago you would have looked at her differently but now you could only express disgust.

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