Author's Note

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Guys, I really hate to do this, but I'm ending this story. I just don't have any motivation to write anymore. The holidays are coming up and I'm just getting busier and busier. My mom is getting married in less than two weeks so that's going to really take up my time. Also school is really stressing me out and I'm struggling with friendships and getting all my shit done. Band, sports, and piano lessons don't help either. I hope you guys understand. And this story wasn't doing very well either. I'm also probably going to end my other Avengers sometime soon. However, I have one story called Don't Leave Me that I'm working on and I'll be starting a new story that will be imagines for other fandoms like Les Mis and Star Wars. I'll probably start that after The Last Jedi comes out this weekend. Anyways, I'm really sorry about this.

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