Chapter 7

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The bell rang and the lunch time was over.  I walked with three of them but we split up at the corridor.  Connor’s going to the right, Toby’s heading to the left, and Riley and I were walking further to the corner of it.

“Riley, I meet you inside.”  I spoke slowly.

“No, where are you going?”  He grabbed my wrist not letting me go.

“Toilet, you join me?  Hah.”  I rolled my eyes playfully and left him in front of the class.

“Be careful El!”

“I will!”

I stepped inside the toilet and there were some girls whispering one another once they looked at me.  I didn’t know what so matter with them but could we please stop the drama?

“She’s the McDonough’s maid…”

“She’s a maid?  Ew…disgusting.”

“Yes, that’s right I know it.”  I recognized Mandy’s voice because I was too lazy to look at that bunch of girls.  “Toby slapped my hand because of her.”

“Should we do something?”

“Maybe yeah, can you close the door?”

“I got it.”

I heard that plan and was about to running away from the toilet but one of the girls stopped me.  “Going somewhere, maid?”

“What do you want?!”  I screamed.

“Ssh…ssh…stop talking.  We just want to have some fun, that’s it.”  Mandy spoke too close to my face.

She punched my face and my nose was bleeding already.  I was so dizzy, barely could see their face.  They managed not to laugh and made some noise but kept punching my face.

“Here’s to Toby’s slap on my hand!”  Mandy whispered and cut my wrist with a small scissor.

“Here’s to Riley McDonough that you steal from us!”  The other girl landed a kick on my stomach.

“And here’s to my lovely Connor McDonough you’ve been flirted to!”  The other one punched my face once again and I couldn’t feel my mouth anymore.

“Done, let’s go!”  Mandy commanded to the other two girls and left me with these bleeding face and wrist.

“ELLA!!!”  I thought I was passing out but I could hear Connor’s voice clear enough.

“Oh my goodness Ella can you hear me?”  He carried me bridal style to I didn’t know where.  It’s all white, and I couldn’t breathe.

I finally could open my eyes and felt like my skin was burning or something.  I was crying a bit.

“Ella I’m here, it’s Connor.”  He held my hand tightly.

“Con where am I?”

“Nursery room at school, you were bleeding at the toilet floor.”

“Oh my God…”  I covered my eyes and started to cry.

“El what’s happening?  You should tell me.  Was it Mandy?”

I remained silent.

“Ella I’m talking to you.”

“Yeah she was…”

“OH, SHE’LL PAY THE PRICE.”  Connor exclaimed and ran away.  Not a single minute, Riley ran frantically to the nursery room, came closer to me.

“Gosh, Ella I’m so sorry…  It’s twice already and I can’t help you…”

“Riley stop saying sorry, I’m good.”

“Stop telling people that you’re okay, we know you’re not.”

“Okay but first could you please stop Connor?  I don’t know what he’s doing to Mandy right now.”

“Was it Mandy?  Was this Mandy???  What the heck!”

“Riley please Riley just don’t!”

“I can’t, it’s the second of the day and it’s unacceptable.  I’ll be right back.”

And there you go; he ran away not listening to my loudest scream.

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