Chapter 26

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“Thomas you better come here!”  I spoke to the Italian drummer through phone. 

“Is it that matter?”

“Yeah that matter, too important!”

“But I already have a prom date!”  He laughed so hard from across the phone.  Beautiful.

“I don’t ask you to go to the prom with me, Tommy baby.  Come on help me with this one!”

“Okay jeez can’t you stop pouting?  Typical Riley…”

“And stop messing around with me…”

“Be there in 30, kid.”

“Thanks so much Pap!”

I ran here and there to the basement and walked again to my room, handed a scissor and ribbon, balloons, everything.  No it’s not my birthday party, ladies and gentlemen.

“Tie it right there, Tom!”  I handed Thomas the turquoise ribbon and he helped me to hang it.

“Okay what else…”

“Oh the candles!  I have it in my room!”

I ran to my room and found Ella at the kitchen, she’s cooking lunch.  Connor was going somewhere only-God-knew where, and Toby was hanging out with his friends at the park.  So it’s only me, Thomas, and my…uh, I meant Ella.

“Been so busy, Rosco?”  She said hi to me and I chuckled.  “Yeah, sort of, see you later El!”

“Is it all good?”  Thomas asked and I nodded.

Show time!



I knew what Riley was doing at home, that’s why I was leaving.  Maybe Toby couldn’t sense it, since he was too busy hanging with his friends.  Riley deserved to have his own time and I knew Thomas was helping him.   But I had my own plan too.  So I dropped off Toby the Explorer at the park, then going somewhere.  This must be a special one.

I walked inside the store, bought some little lampion and any other equipment.  Starbucks of course, I made it two, then headed to Braiden’s house, I miss my bud though.

“Oh, well, that’s complicated bro!”  Braiden laughed at my story.

“Is it even funny?”  I pouted.

“Yeah, it is!  My goodness it’s hilarious!”

“Thank you so much, you helped a lot.” 

“Chill Con, I’ll help.  What do you need?”


“Whoa whoa, easy there.  First, the venue, have you think about it?”

“Pool, is that cool?”

“Perfect.  That’s my boy.”  Braiden placed his hand on my back.  Felt relieved knowing that your best friend supported you 100%.


We came home soon and locked the access to the pool, so nobody would see what I was doing with Braiden.  And of course it’s not my birthday party, everyone.

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