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Madison's POV

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Madison's POV

I woke up and all I could see was this man pushing me down the stairs. Sheer panic pushed through my veins as I shot up.

I could hear the heart monitor beside me speed up as I looked around the room, my friends suddenly bursts into my room.


JC came over to my bed, leaning over to look at me. "Madison, are you-"

"Where's Kian?"

He glanced away before looking back at me. "I think the doctor needs to check on you first."

"No, tell me where Kian is."

As if on cue, the doctor and a couple nurses came in, checking me and asking a bunch of mundane questions.

Everything finally came back to me, answering the door, no one being there, someone grabbing me from behind, and Kian fighting the intruder.

Only Kian was on my mind.

Where was he? Was he okay? I needed to know if he was alright.

After the nurses what spent what felt like forever in my room, they finally left and I turned back to JC.

"Where's Kian?"

"Maybe you should rest a little b-"

"JC, I love you but tell me what the hell is going on here."

"I finally convinced Kian to go home and rest and shower and stuff," JC said. "While he was at home, you woke up, and I called him and told him."

JC sighed as he sat on the edge of my bed. "I should have been calmer-"

"What happened?"

"He was in a rush to get back here for you that he ran a red light."

My breath caught in my throat. Oh god, Kian was dea-

"A truck hit his side and flipped the rover," JC said as my hand flew to my mouth. "He's fine though, he broke a couple ribs and hit his head but he's fine."

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in. "He's okay?"

JC reached out and grabbed my hand. "He's okay."

"I think that police are coming in to get a statement from you," he said. "They caught the guy that did that to you two."

The police came in after about an hour and took my statement, explaining everything about the guy to me. His name was Jacob Edwards and he was a convicted felon for armed robbery, how ironic, and sexual assault.

I was happy it was finally over but I just really wanted to see Kian. He saved my life for the hundredth time in a row and I just wanted to take sure that he was alright.

My nurse came in after a little while, checking my stats. "Can I see my friend Kian?"

"What's your relationship to him?" She asked, checking my IVs.

"I'm his girlfriend." I lied.

She unhooked me from all the machine and helped me into a wheelchair, wheeling me up to his room, which was a couple floors up.

I was shaking with anticipation to see him, to confirm that he was alright. To thank him for everything.

She opened the door and wheeled me in, my eyes instantly falling on him in the bed. He was propped up by a couple pillows, a thick bandage peeking out of his hospital dress.

His eyes were closed. "Maybe we should come back later."

"No," I quickly said. "I'll wait until he wakes up."

She wheeled me over to his bed and parked me, telling me to page her from his bed if I needed anything.

I reached over and grabbed his hand, tears stinging my eyes as I took in his injuries. His face was littered with bruises and cuts, some old and some new.

I kissed his hand softly, my tears dropping onto the bed. He was okay. That's all I needed to know.

He finally stirred, his eyes opening as he looked up at me. A soft smile spread across his face at the sight of me.

"Hey, Mads." He said, his voice rough his sleep.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," I smiled, tears blurring my vision. "How are you feeling?"

"I should be asking you that."

I chuckled, moving closer to him. "I'm okay."

"I'm better now that you're here."

I started laughing at the sight of the two of a us. A big mess.

"What's so funny?" He chuckled.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I smiled at him. "Look at us, we're a mess."

"We're alive," he smiled, squeezing my hand. "We're here, together."

I smiled, leaning over and kissing his lips softly. "I love you, we're going to make it."

He smiled and nodded, meeting my eyes. "I love you too."

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