A Lioness To Reckon With

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

Thank you for your faithful support, your wonderful words and your presence.

Here is a oneshot about the reader being turned into a lioness by Kaecilius and Stephen kept looking at her while she is just in front of him.

It's a kind of part Two of " Hello, kitty".

Hope you enjoy. 

Please leave a vote or a comment.

Next one-shot will be a request from eyes of mishief ( with the dragon) and my first Kaecilius x reader.  Any idea for a chatroom?

Warning: a bit of blood ( I tried not to be too gore)


Chaos was tingling in the air, charged with death and power as you stepped carefully into the greyish smoke.

Your gaze fell upon the remains of desolate houses, broken rocks and your opponent's corpses lying in this no man's land.

While you observed your deadly surroundings a rumble caught your attention. You stepped closer, wondering what it was.

« Is there someone still alive? » you thought, stepping over the ruins when a flash of power blinded you.

A yelp escaped your lips as you raised your arms over your face, protecting your heart. The light encompassed you and its energy overwhelmed you as the spell activated. The last thought to cross your mind was about where the bloody hell was Stephen.


The sorcerer walked through the aftermath of the fight, his piercing blue eyes scanning the battlefield when a hoarse whine drew his attention. He didn't have time to react as a huge weight jumped on his chest, making him fall on the ground as a tongue cleaned his face and a sort of purr echoed from the beast's body.

Stephen blinked « Am I hallucinating ? » he thought while the lioness put her head down on his level and looked at him lovely. Except Stephen interpreted this look as « I'm going to be eaten by a feline » and he pushed the beast on the ground, earning a small a whine of surprise. He expected the animal to immediately jump at him, ready to slash his body into a bloody corpse but it did no such a thing. The lioness looked at him and tilted its head to the side, sitting down and waiting for him.

« That is definitely strange, » he said out loud, as he tried to deduce how a wild animal could be familiar with him and harmless.

The lioness started to roar again and again in his direction and Stephen had the strange feeling it was trying to talk to him, but it was crazy, right?

Nevertheless, another sound was heard and Kaecilius slowly got up from the ashes, grinning madly and the animal immediately yowled at him, definitely threatening him. Kaecilius started to laugh, his laugh echoing like the beating of a drum and the slow of rise of insanity piercing through his cackle.

« Where is Y/ N? » Stephen asked as his eyes scanned the surrounding with no sign of her dear friend.

The lioness walked towards him and sat next to him, groaning a little. It even tries to snuggle its head into Stephen's head who froze.

« You are a blind man, Strange. You can't see when it's in front of your eyes, or rather here, next to you. »

Realisation struck him and he turned, kneeling in front of the lioness and cupped its cheeks.

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