A Smile Of Hope

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A/N: Hello my dear readers!

I hope you are all okay, and ready to read another one-shot of our dear sorcerer.

This is a request from @ofmischief-  with the reader being a werewolf and sibling of Wanda and Pietro. The reader meets Stephen. 

Hope You'll enjoy.

I'm going to open a new book about Doctor strange very soon.

Please leave a vote or a comment.

I don't own the picture.


To bear a secret always requires a price: isolation or to live in fear to be discovered. Rumours are the threats you hate the most because it often attracts undesirable souls to lure in the dark at the wrong times. All you wanted was to run free under the moonlight, your inner wolf able to gallop freely in the woods. However, because of the extricate narrowness state of mind of the world, you couldn't do that. Fortunately, Pietro and Wanda helped you a lot to control the wild side part of you, you even had races with Pietro when the circumstances allowed it. Your siblings helped you a lot to accept your abilities and supported you tremendously.

When you arrived at the Avengers Tower, you were a bit frightened by these newcomers but you took a deep breath and handled Tony's humour who nicknamed you « Wolfie », once he discovered your supernatural abilities.

Steve Rogers only shook his head at Tony's demeanour and took you under his wings at the surprise of Wanda and Pietro who kept an eye on you.

While you got to know the team, you felt at ease, almost as if you had found a new family. They never criticised your transformations or the use of your enhanced senses especially when someday you said you could smell the irritation of Steve at Tony's continuous teasing or the happiness emanating from Thor eating Poptarts.

However, one day, dealing with a dreadful situation, someone arrived in the portal through a magical portal.

On instinct, you changed into a huge black werewolf and surged forward to tackle the man to the floor before anyone had the time to react. The pain in your limbs quickly faded away as you growled loudly at the intruder while his breathtaking blue eyes widened in fear. However, something soft and silky jumped on you, wrapping a crimson fabric around your head. You shook violently your head, trying to get rid of the flying article as you stepped back, groaning even louder than before.

One of your fear was to be blind, you hated to not know what was going on and as this fear slowly crept through your veins, you literally saw red and howled. Wanda rushed to your side while Pietro sped towards your form and quickly removed the material. The bright light blinded you but you froze as you tried to get back your breath, panting heavily.

« Wolfie ! » shouted Tony, « How many times have I told you to not put your paws, which should I remind you, you have claws on my magnificent carpet !? »

You slowly turned your furry head to him, and snorted, sitting on the very carpet he was talking about. Then you grinned, showing off your sharp fangs and he gulped.

« I'll never get used to your antics, Little Riding Hood, » he said softly and patted your head.

You sighed heavily.

« What the hell was that ?! » yelled the intruder.

You bristled at the man with the blue outfit who took a step back at your outburst.

« Stephen, let me introduce you, Y/N, aka the Dark Wolf. Y/N, you welcomed quite violently our guest Doctor Strange who is going to help us with the mission. » Tony said, smirking widely.

You looked repeatedly at Tony 's face, and then Strange's face, a glint shining in your acute eyes.

« I know that look, don't say it » warned Tony.

Wanda, who had read your mind, whispered your thought to Pietro who burst out laughing.

« You have the same beard, » you announced in your wolf form.

Tony rolled his eyes at your statement and left, as well as Wanda and Pietro who gave you some space to meet the stranger.

« The wolf can speak !? » Stephen said, dumbfounded while the cloak came back on his shoulders, stroking his shoulders.

You turned your face towards Stephen and got closer until only a few inches separating you.

« My name is Y/N, not wolf, doctor. »

Strange looked at you more closely, admiring your predatory features and fo the first time, you realised he was not afraid of your hybridity, your form.

He knelt in front of you, facing you in the eyes and your breath got caught in your throat. No one had ever tried to look at you in the eyes like Stephen did. Everyone was too afraid to really look at you for who you are and not the monster people usually see.

« Y/N » he muttered, one of his hand slowly inching towards you fur to gently stroke it. The gentle gesture soothes you and you let him pet you, even if you didn't like people touching your fur. However, you didn't feel strange with Stephen, on the contrary.

« Your fur is so soft, » he stated, gliding his fingers through your ebony coat.

Lost in his actions, Stephen didn't realise straight away you had stepped back, sitting on your butt, looking at him with glowing eyes.

« You have seen me in my werewolf form, let me introduce myself as a human »

You closed your head and let the growing change broke your bones, turning back into the human features as pain overwhelmed your body. Seconds later, the pain stopped, and you opened your eyes to be faced with a pair of deep blue pools staring right at you, his mouth agape.

You smiled shyly at him, while his face turned from plastered surprise to amazement.

He extended his hand to you.

« Nice to meet you, Y/N. I look forward to working with you. »

You shook his head and nodded at him, a smile of hope lightening your face.

A/N: Any thought?

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