Chapter 3

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Tris ~

Yes!! It's gym, I don't know why but gym makes me feel braver, more confident with myself. I run to the changing rooms and slip on a black tshirt and black and white shorts, I squeeze my way past all the girls that pretty much take up the whole time in gym gossiping who is the schools hottie. They are the kardashians of the school, everyday they are caked with makeup and are always flirting with four. I always thought four had a twin brother because zeke would call him tobias sometimes but it turns out they are the same person.

I eagerly push the door open to see who is in my new gym class, hardly anyone is out right well no one I know anyway.

Th boys changing room door opens revealing a muscular tobias! He smiles over at me, wait why is the school hottie smiling at me? Oh must be because of the eggs, I have to admit it was funny but not as funny as when Lynn chucked a apple at zeke's new Audi.

The coach walks in and blows his whistle for the remaining people to hurry up, the ' kardashians' then walk out and skip over to tobias. Eric follows in after him rolling his eyes as usual.. I think he is jealous they have always had a bit of a rivalry.

The coach goes to the gym closet and grabs a volleyball. Yes!! Marlene and I play volleyball heaps so I should have a good chance at doing well in this.

" Captains are Four and Eric, choose quickly grandmas" the coach exclaims. His jokes are always dumb but he think he is hilarious, oh well at least he isn't as cranky as my old gym teacher.

Eric and Tobias smirk at each other, " ladies first" Tobias gestures to Eric. Eric is about to reply back but the coach cuts him off quickly " shut up and choose dumb ass". He huffs out and says "Leo", Leo then sluggishly walks over to Eric's side.

Tobias doesn't hesitate to choose " Tris" I look around.. Is there another Tris in this class? I bring my gaze back to the center and find everyone staring at me. Tobias and I look at each other, he then puts his hand out to his side meaning for me to come stand beside him.

I walk quickly over to his side, he then lays his hand on my back and leans slightly down to my ear and whispers " you look very brave tris"


She must think I'm stupid for saying that. Damn you tobias, you always say the wrong thing! Now I'll never get a chance with her. She isn't the type of the girl where you have a fling and then moves on she is committed I've seen it before.

I pick the rest if my team and direct people to a part of the court, the whistles blows and the game starts p, BRING IT ON! Eric serves the ball I run up to set it back, but tris cuts me of by spiking it and we end up winning the point !

*time lapse*

We won the game Eric wasn't happy but hey the princess needs to wake up and stop smelling the pansycakes. I see tris walking down the hall, I quickly run up to her and smile. She starts blushing " um hi" she whispers. " nice spike in gym, you certainly have played volleyball before" I say. " haha yeah thanks, what subject do you have next?" She looks down at my timetable and replies " biology, so do I " " do you want to be lab partners? You don't have to I know I can be quite scary..." Well I mean it's true "No no no, I would love to and you are far from scary you are kind " she smiles. She is adorable when she smiles, " kind? I'm still Woking on kind I'm more about the bravery" I chuckle back.

We walk along side by side and start going up the stairs to class. Someone comes knocks her backwards, I quickly grab her waist and pull her closely towards me. She tucks her head into my top and whispers silently.

The boy laughs and mumbles " watch yourself stiff ". After the second he said stuff I soon realised it was peter, I wish I had stabbed in the eye with a butterknife just then. " are you okay tris?" I whisper into her ear, she clings closer to me and we slowly lam to biology.

*time lapse*

I wait in line for the crap food they serve us here except for the dauntless cake obviously. I see zeke with Shauna who he has like for ages I bet you she has already realised by all the embarrassing stuff he has done.

I don't see tris in the cafeteria she probably is somewhere else away from peter, I don't blame her he is a creep.

*time lapse again*


After today I'm so glad the day is over, peter is such a dick! I rustle through my pocket for my keys and find a note with tobias' number on it. I don't want to make to obvious I like him but it wouldn't hurt to text him.

I swing open the door and close it softly and race up to my room. I type in his number

T: hey it's tris!

Within seconds he replies

Tobias: hey it's me four!

T: you know I know your name is tobias :)

Tobias: let me guess zeke?

T: yeah.. He isn't the quietest if people

Tobias: do you want to walk with me in the morning? You don't have to

T: yeah sure :) I better be getting to sleep I'm pretty tired, goodnight.

Tobias: I'll be at your house at 8. Goodnight tris

I put on my pyjamas and get into bed and fall asleep peacefully.

Thankyou for reading guys! You probably think this story sucks compared to all the other amazing stories out there but thought I would give it a shot :) can't believe this has so many reads! Please follow our account on Instagram starcrosslovers_of_dauntless

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