Chapter four ( tobias)

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My eyes flutter open when my alarm goes off, I lazily reach over and hit snooze. I grab my phone and see a text from tobias saying ' leaving in ten minutes' wait what? I jump out of bed and runs towards the bathroom, no ones home for a couple of days,my parents are visiting family and caleb is at his mates, so I don't have to worry about making too much noise. I take a quick shower and put on a black tank top, jeans, a grey knitted jumper and finally my black and white converse.

I microwave leftovers from last night and eat them for breakfast, I race up the stairs to grab my phone and headphones and grab my stuff and lock the door behind me.

I look around and see tobias hasn't arrived yet so I take out my phone and plug my headphones in, I listen to one of my favourite songs which is beating heart. Warm hands cover my face as I hear a voice say " guess who?" I giggle and sarcastically say " is it really you Santa?" He drops his hands and replies " have a got I white beard already?" We both crack up laughing and look into each other's eyes when someone comes and interrupts us.


I completely forgot to text her this morning to say I was walking with tobias. She tugs me forward complaining that we are going to be late, for the rest of the walk we remain silent.

The school bell rings signalling to get to you first class, damn I have physics at least I have it with Marlene. We both slowly walk to our class, Mr. Simpson gestures us to take a seat. We walk towards the back a row, we sit together on the row of desks in front of Zeke and Uriah. Mr. Simpson begins his class, I sit there fiddling with my pencil, suddenly it falls behind me.

I reach down to grab it, both Uriah and I end up banging our heads together causing us both to say " Ouch!" He gasps and declares " You almost made my brain come out!" Zeke giggles " won't make much difference" he smirks towards his brother. " FEELINGS, Zeke! " he pouts and folds his arms.

" Uriah! Zeke! Shut up and listen would you? " Mr. Simpson shouts. " Don't get you knickers in a twist" Zeke whispers.

* time lapse*

I wait in line to collect my food for lunch, the lunch lady puts a hamburger onto my plate with some thin chips. I follow Marlene over to our table and see Tobias, Zeke and Uriah sitting there too. I sit down next to Tobias and smile towards him, he smiles in return and takes one of my chips sneakily. " do you want to come to Zeke and Uriah's house tonight we already have invited the others" he says. " Yeah sure" I think it would be good to get out of the house for once.

"Great, I will take you over there after school." He replies.

" Doesn't school end early today? I think it ends after lunch" Shauna questions.

" Great, we can all head over to mine after this" Zeke smirks.

The bell rings just as I finished my lunch. We all walk together towards Zeke and Uriah's, we walk past my house " be right back guys let me just drop off my bag" I shout. I quickly unlock the door and toss my bag onto the couch and lock the door again, I run to catch up with the others.

" Here we are!" Uriah declares. Everyone files in and we all sit on the leather couch. " so I was thinking we should play Truth or Dare, who agrees?" Zeke suggests. We all nod in agreement.

" I start " Uriah shouts for the second time today.

" Who shall be my victim..hmmm Christina, Truth or Dare?" Uriah says

" Truth" she replies easily " I'm a candor after all"

" PANSYCAKE !!" Uriah shouts. " anyway... let's play it easy, who do you like ?" Uriah wiggles his eyebrows.

Christina blushes, " Will" she then quickly covers her face with her hands.

" ooh la la " Zeke says

Christina uncovers her hands and then look over to me, " Tris, Truth or Dare?"

I simply reply " Dare"

Uriah whistles loudly and smirks.

" I dare you to kiss Tobias" she smiles widely and looks at the two of us like we are her new otp

I face myself to Tobias who is sitting quite close next to me, I lean forward and kiss him. I face away from him because i had just had my first kiss with Tobias and I can't help but blush.

" Yay! Tris finally had her first kiss!" Christina screams.

I instantly have all eyes on me.

" What!" Both Zeke and Uriah say almost in sync.

Tobias pulls my face towards him and he smashes his lips with mine which feels like it's forever.

" That was one for luck" he winks at me and smiles.

I smile to myself for a few seconds and realise it's my go " Zeke! Truth or dare?"

"Mhmmm... Dare" he replies

" I dare you to let Christina make you into a girl!" I start crack up laughing soon everyone else laugh too except for Zeke.

Zeke gives me a death glare and follows Christina into the other room.

An:// I'm sorry for not updating in so long! I just found out that I have 536 reads! Thankyou so much, you guys are amazing 💜 comment below if you are enjoying this story! I promise you guys I'll post another chapter tomorrow.

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