Chapter 32:

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And so the last few months of my life were spent in much the same way the first few years were, in a prison, surrounded by scientists and monitors. However, instead a biosphere on an island, this time I was in an old missile silo in the middle of Utah. True, it was nice for a prison, several furnished floors all to myself, complete with several bookshelves and a television. On the top floor, through a dozen feet of bulletproof glass was the observation room. Two scientists stayed there at all times, along with at least ten Suits. Only the scientists talked to me, usually to asked questions about my mental state. Food was delivered twice a day through a tiny vacuum tube.

All in all, it could have been much worse. At least I can could see what was happening outside through the television.

The Skyfall Machine transmitted the new genetic code worldwide. However, only those with Mahlika's blood type actually changed, meaning that around 40% of everyone on Earth were now Paragons. Still, that was around eight billion people. Eight billion people suddenly imbued with extraordinary powers.

It was chaos, certainly, especially for the first few weeks. But after three months it was beginning to calm down as people adapted both physically and mentally. Things had certainly changed, but maybe not too much.


I looked up from my book as the voice echoed through the intercom system.

"What is it?" I asked, picking up the receiver from my nightstand.

"You have a visitor coming down."

There were heavy footsteps on the metal stairs, then two Suits entered my bedroom. They stood on either side of the door.

"Do not attempt to approach." One of them said. "Should you try to move from that bed, you will be shot instantly."

"Noted." I replied.

To my surprise, Malcom entered the room. His eye was covered by a white eyepatch, and his face around it was discolored. I hadn't seen him since before my death, yet I was not surprised to see what she'd done to him. What I'd done to him.

"Sister." He said, voice stern. "It's time."

"Oh, thank goodness." I stood up. "I was beginning to get bored."

Instantly the Suits trained their guns on me.

"It's alright." Malcom said. "Ms. Wilder, you will come with me."

I grabbed my jacket from a nearby chair.

Malcom led the way upstairs to the observation room. The two scientists, a man and a woman, nodded to me.

"Commander." They both said respectfully.

The other eight Suits joined us as we got in the elevator. At the top was a fenced in area complete with more guards, these Prime Order agents. They too trained their weapons on me as I walked past. Outside of the gate was a black helicopter.

Graves was waiting for us, looking professional in her white pantsuit. She was a tall, middle aged woman, with reddish brown hair tied up in a bun. She opened the door silently and Malcom and I climbed aboard, leaving our Suit escort outside. We took off as soon as we were seated.

"How's being Director?" I asked Malcom after a moment.

"It has its ups and downs." He replied. "Did they treat you well in there?"

"It's a step up from Delta's island, I'll said that." I paused. "Did they ever find Jinx?"

He shook his head. "Alejandro and Morgana are still missing too. They probably all left to live out their lives somewhere they won't be persecuted for their crimes."

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