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Some say that time could heal and change almost everything... but I beg to differ. I, Harry Styles was a normal guy working in a coffee shop but now I am the CEO to one of the world's biggest companies. It was all a matter of 5 years. You may ask how that big change happened. Well I would love to find the answer to that question myself.

My friends, they tell me that I was in a car accident two years ago and it somehow managed to erase almost four years of my memory. They don't like to elaborate more on that, like it's some haunted memory.

And my life has been a complete mess in these two years. Like there is a part of me that is missing. And there is a certain brunette that comes in my dreams every night who seems so familiar yet so foreign at the same time. It's strange how much those dreams are affecting me, those dreams are so vivid yet they seem like memories... beautiful ones.

I seem so happy in them... its surprising, really that I can be this happy... even though it's in my dreams. My days now include work, work and only work. I don't have time for anything else or the fact that I ensure that I drown myself in work so much that I don't have any free time left. Everyone says that I have changed and I don't care about any other thing than work, but the truth is that I don't actually have anything to care about these days. Whenever I am alone I try not to think about the emptiness that is constantly building up inside me but it is of no use. I feel this suffocating and sinking feeling whenever I am alone and this is the reason why I work so much.

Louis and my mum tried to set me up on numerous dates but they never ended well because I always managed to drive them away somehow. So they had to stop setting me up. Those girls were pretty alright but they were never the one.

The one that's another thing that is constantly on my mind. I don't plan to look for her now; I have many other problems to deal with. My phone rings pulling me out of my reverie. I answered without looking at the caller ID.

'Harry!' Louis screeched from the other end.

I sighed and said 'Louis' with as much enthusiasm as I could, though it could never match his. And suddenly he started singing 'happy birthday' to me (rather loudly, if I may add) and I glanced at the calendar, and indeed it was my birthday. I can't believe I forgot my very own birthday. But eh, who cares? I thought. And eventually when his song finished I asked what he wanted.

'I want you to meet me at the park in an hour and then we'll go to a club and get wasted like we used to.'

'Louis I have a reputation to maintain now'

'Oh I'm not taking no for an answer Mr. Grumpy CEO'

'But Lou-' before I could finish he cut me off.

'No excuses Harry see ya in an hour! Buh-bye.' And with that the line went dead. Seeing that there's no time to waste as it would take me a good fifty minutes to reach there, I got dressed and headed to my car.

I had just started driving and my phone rang. It was Louis. Deciding to ignore it, I continued driving because after-all he would see me in an hour. The roads today weren't too crowded but something really caught my eye. In an alley, two men were surrounding a girl. And I wasn't the person sit out when something like that was happening right in-front of me.

I parked my car on the side and made my way towards those men. They were talking, the girl sounded like she was crying, and not to forget: those guys had guns.

''I won't let you hurt him.'' the girl said in-between her sobs. Her voice was somehow familiar.

''You won't live to see that day'' the first guy said.

''You've protected him for too long, but now it's time for him to die'' the third guy added.

Deciding not to wait any longer I grabbed a stone and I was about to hit them and my phone rang and only two things came to my mind: Damn you Louis, damn you and I'm dead.

And as expected those guys turned around and the girl saw me and gasped.

"Well well well... look who decided to show up. You just made our job easier" the guy with the scar said. I looked at them confused.

"What are you-"

"Harry look out" the girl screamed and before I could register anything, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, but I tried to ignore it because my main focus was on the girl. The girl in front of me was the one I've been looking for, in the past two years. The girl I couldn't stop thinking about.

The girl of my dreams. Literally.

She was running towards me, crying but I was so happy and overjoyed to see her and had so many questions to ask her, but I didn't get a chance to do it because before she could reach me, a bullet shot hit her in the abdomen and she fell into my arms.

I could hear those guys in the background:

"You were not supposed to shoot her you fool"

"She came in the way"

"Let's get out of here before boss kills us for it."

And a few moments later they were gone leaving us alone.

The pain in my shoulder was almost unbearable now but I refrained myself from showing it and realized that I should take her to the hospital.

She was barely conscious now.

"Hey- hey! Stay with me, we'll get you to the hospital... you'll be fine... just stay with me" I pleaded.

"Don't take me to the hospital, it's not safe there. He can find us there." She winced in pain but continued. "There is a diary in my purse and an address written on it... take me there please" she croaked out.

There were so many questions in my mind but right now my main priority was to make sure she was safe. Her purse was on the side. I bent and picked it up wincing due to the pain in my shoulder and searched it till I found the address.

Taking her well dragging her to the car was a tedious task but I managed to place her on the backseat somehow and got in the driver's seat and drove as fast as I could with one hand to manage both the steering wheel as well as the gears.

And at one point I swear that girl said 'I love you Harry' in her sleep. Either I am hallucinating because of getting shot or I'm just out of my mind.

But I guess we'll just have to find out.

let me know what you think about it


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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