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Julia Capaunte's POV

I WOKE UP to here my father laughing with his friends. I sighed. It had been one of those nights for him. He had been drinking, I could tell by the way he laughed. He usually had a soft chuckle but his obnoxious laughter filled the house today. I ignored him and got changed. I wore a olive green dress and white converse. I quickly applied some mascara and lip gloss before heading downstairs.

  I quickly applied some mascara and lip gloss before heading downstairs

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All eyes turned to me as I walked into the kitchen. I gagged in horror as my dad's friend scanned me.

"John, your daughter is smashin' today!"He slurred as he took another sip of whatever was in his glass.

"She is always smashin'!"My dad replied. A wave of nausea swept over me as my dad continued to talk about me. He's just drunk, I tried to remind myself.

"Honey!"My mother's voice rang out sharply from near the stove. I sighed in relief as she distracted them from their original topic. I sat down at the end of the table and took one of the home-made croissants that Auntie Miriam made. They were fresh out of the oven so I eagerly took a bite of the savory bread. After drinking a glass of milk, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of my house.

The sun was shining brightly today and as instinct, I looked down at my wrist. The clock showed that it was almost time. I was going to meet my soulmate soon. I rubbed the face of the clock as I waited for the yellow bus.

It soon arrived and I got on. My friend, Isla was sitting in the back so I walked over to her and plopped down on the seat next to her.

"What's wrong, Julia?"Isla said, noticing immediately my mood.

"Dad."I said and didn't say anything else. She wrapped her arms around me and we sat in silence for the rest of the bus ride.

"I love you so much..."I said, looking at Isla. She smiled and then flipped her hair.

"I know, who doesn't?"Isla teased. I rolled my eyes and we got off the bus.

The floor squeaked from my sneakers as we walked inside. The boys were messing around like usual near the lockers. I walked straight through the crowd of them and everyone moved. It was kind of a usual routine. My dad is the leader of the pack so I'm huge at this school. Everyone thinks that my dad is amazing, he's fantastic, he's strong, he's caring, he's a leader. But no one can see the facade my family puts up everyday to hide our haunted life.

I unlocked my locker and pulled out a couple textbooks, two notebooks and my pencil pouch. The locker was slammed shut by my mom's best friend's son, London.

"Hey London!"I said as we began walking to our class, English. Isla had somehow disappeared through the crowd and towards her first period class.

"Hey Julia, I was wondering if you wanted to go get some dinner after school?"London said, going right to the point. I coughed but quickly collected myself. At least, I thought I did.

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