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Julia Capaunte's POV

I WOKE UP to Isla shaking me violently. I groaned and listened for my father. Nothing. He must have had something today and I was so thankful. I couldn't handle him for another morning. I listened for my mother but couldn't hear her either. I didn't want to see her or my father after their plan for me to be with London. Isla shook me again and I sat up.

"OK, OK! I'm awake." I rubbed sleep out of my eyes and stared at Isla. She stared back, her eyes wide.

"What?" I asked, getting creeped out by her staring.

"Julia! Julia! The Mantoge Pack is coming today!" Isla squealed. I gaped at her until I believed her.

"Really? Oh my god! Why? We hate them! That's probably why Dad was drunk yesterday morning. He hates them. Why are they coming?" I rambled, kicking off my sheets and beginning to change. I put on a white crochet dress with two rows of flowers at the waist and black flats before applying my face makeup.

  I put on a white crochet dress with two rows of flowers at the waist and black flats before applying my face makeup

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Isla approved of my outfit and shrugged.

"I don't know. I think we're trying to form a treaty with them They have something we need. Either land or protection, but I'm not sure." Isla said, skeptically.

I grabbed a snack and we ran out of the door. The day was brisk and windy as Isla had decided to walk to school instead of taking the bus.

"Are you excited for the Masquerade Ball?" Isla skipped along, way too giddily. The Masquerade Ball was something that happened every year. This time, the Mantoge Pack was joining us. My father had tried to prevent this but it was set.

"What? Oh yeah. That's tomorrow, right?" I readjusted my backpack strap.

"Yeah. Do you know what you're wearing?" Isla asked, nosily.

"Nope." I popped the P and Isla rolled her eyes, playfully.

"I'm picking you out an outfit and doing your makeup tomorrow." Isla decided without confirming it with me. I laughed as we entered to school and went our separate ways. English for me, Science for her. English. I had to face London again. I slipped in the class and in the back of the class. Trying to not look obvious, my eyes wandered the room, scanning for London's face. I couldn't find it. Did that mean he wasn't here or was he late? Or was he talking to my parents? That thought hit me and I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thought.

No, Julia. Breathe. I coached myself, trying to focus on anything else. My gaze fluttered from one thing to another finally landing on the guy who had just walked in. His eyes met mine and I immediately looked away. My hopes were crushed. London was much alive and here. I slid down in my seat, hoping he wouldn't notice me and the empty seat next to me.

Of course, my hopes weren't granted and London slipped into the seat to the left of me. I inwardly groaned and London turned to face me.

"Julia, I'm sorry. I thought you knew. Please believe me." London pleaded. I looked into his eyes and saw a sort of desperation in there. I only had two really close friends, Isla and London. I couldn't lose London.

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