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Rowen Mantoge's POV

I SHIFTED AROUND in my uncomfortable bed. The rooms that the Capauntes had given us were cheap and disgusting. The beds felt like they were made out of straw and stones. I got up and stretched my back. The first thing I did was check my clock. I always did that. It was a habit. A small heart had appeared yesterday and the color section was a vibrant red. I smiled. I was excited to meet my soulmate.

I got changed into a gray t-shirt, black jeans and tennis shoes before quickly going downstairs. My father, the leader of the Mantoge pack, was sitting with my mother. They were laughing. My parents had a great relationship and I hoped to have one like theirs when I find my soulmate.

"Hey Mom, Dad!" I greeted, taking a bowl of oats from the servant.

"Hello Rowen. Rose would like to tell you that she misses you and she can't wait for you to come home. If you ask me, i think that girl still has a crush on you." Mom added, thoughtfully. I winced. Rose was my first crush and my first girlfriend. We had broken up a couple weeks ago due to my request. Rose had taken it pretty well but she still wanted to be together.

"Mom, I have a question. Dad, I guess you can answer too." I relented, playfully. Dad chuckled and Mom motioned for me to go ahead. The question had been on my mind ever since we got here.

"If we hate the Capaunte Pack so much and someone from our pack finds their soulmate from their pack..."I paused for a minute and thought out the next part of my question.

"What would happen to them?" The question froze in the air before my father answered.


"Sorry?" I asked, thinking I heard him wrong. I was sure something would happen.

"We don't hate the Capaunte's Pack. We hate the Capaunte family. They hate everything about us. I would be perfectly fine if one of our pack members found happiness in finding their soulmate from the Capaunte pack. Does that make sense?" Dad looked at me and I nodded.

"Yeah, thanks." I said, putting my bowl in the sink and grabbing my backpack.

"Love you!" I yelled, walking out of the door. Miller, my best friend, was waiting for me. I got in his car and we headed towards the school.

"Meet anyone yesterday?" I asked.

"I met a girl named Isla who was in my sculpturing class, a boy named Tyler. He was rude. Probably because he's related to the Capauntes. I met a guy named London, he wasn't that bad. What about you?" Miller turned sharply.

"I didn't really talk to people. I met a girl named Julia but that was it. I only came for two classes and she was in both of them." I drifted off to that art class. Her drawing was so emotional.

"Dude, we're here." Miller spoke. We got out of the car and went our separate ways. My first class was History. I wandered for a couple minutes trying to find the room before I spotted a familiar face.

"Julia!" I yelled out. She turned, her hair whipping around and her dress billowing. She was wearing a purple long sleeve dress and black flats.

  She was wearing a purple long sleeve dress and black flats

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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