First Blood

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    I kneeled there motionless, breathless. The world has stopped moving and the scene before me was the unsightly scene before me.  I felt warm liquid splattered on my cheek I saw it dripped slowly from my chin on the dirtied broken floor, I stare paralyzed and dread at the sight of my mother's motionless body in front of me. Her skin was pale and a pool of dark black liquid dilate from under her. What's happening? What? Mom? Is she okay? Why isn't she saying anything? Mom?! My breathing accelerated and I wheezed and grimace my face. My father was also laying on his stomach with more liquid under him than my mother. A boot was pressing firmly on his back, I look up in terror to the owner of that foot that stepped on my father. I gawk in horror at the villain that stood ahead in a deadly aura. His face was hidden by rooms lack of lighting. The only thing I could see was the long katana that was dripping red blood of my parents and red glowing eyes that screamed murder. My home was a destruction. In the result of the villain's destructive quirk, he exploded up half of the house leaving nothing but debris and ripped furniture thrown everywhere. At least a million questions zoomed through my mind. Who is this scary man? Why did he slash his sword at Mama and Papa? Is he going to do that to me next? Why are Mama and Papa not moving? Can someone save them?! Anyone!? I sat there frightened for my very life as the killer stalked towards me slowly raising his katana. He had to get rid of witnesses or he would be arrested by authorities. I could feel tears gushing out of my eyes, my vision was blurry as I watched the figure crept towards me. At that time my mind and body shut off I was too afraid to scream, move, anything. The man's deadly aura pierced me like a knife. I've never felt so helpless and useless in my entire life. 

Am I going to die here?

The villain was close enough and he thrust his katana forward to me, I saw the blade swinging to my face and I closed my eyes embracing the unbearable pain incoming.


I gasp and snap my eyes open as I heard a familiar voice shriek my name. It couldn't be!

In front of me was the back of someone who I trust, I recognize that green hair anywhere. Izuku was shielding me from the sword! He came for me! But that enthusiasm died really quick. I saw blood form and expand on his jacket where a katana has penetrated. Blood plopped from the tip of the blade on my cheeks. My eyes widen and pupils contract. Instead, Izuku took the stab for me and was bleeding profusely in the abdomen where the katana has been. The villain clicked his tongue in annoyance as for the sudden interference and yanked the katana out of the boy's stomach. Large blood spurted out of Izuku as he drops face first on the floor. The wound on his abdomen was critical and the blood was spreading instantly, he doesn't have that much time left.

"IZUKU!" I managed to wail with grief with my remaining strength as Izuku remains unmoving as the pool below him grows bigger. I hasten to his side picking up his face. He lazily opens his wide green eyes and stares at me with it. He smiles weakly with no regret for what he did.

"Ayaka...p-please..go," he stuttered barely catching his breath and not breaking eye contact with me. He brushed his bloody hand across my cheek to pull my long charcoal colored hair over my ear. 

"I-Izuku no! Please! D-Don't leave me!" I wept, never-ending tears poured and poured and landing on his bruised face. He wiped some tears away with his finger but they just kept coming. Not Izuku, no, not him! He's all I have left! Please, anyone but him! I felt my heart shattering to nothing as Izuku was dying in my arms and finally shut his eyes and his hand fell back. As I sat bawling my eyes out holding Izuku's head close to my chest and sobbed an ocean. I failed to notice the villain was growing bored with my little cheesy scene and raised his katana once more. 

"Don't worry, little girl, you will join him along with your parents," he cooed with a dark voice and a sinister smirk.

I didn't bother to hold up my head to see the incoming sword attack from the man, I just kneeled there sobbing, and silent screaming. I let everyone important to me vanish right in front of me just to protect me, it was my fault that they were gone. If it wasn't for me. 

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