Trouble and Reunion

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Months passed since the huge incident at U.A which is still closed for rebuilding. News articles have been spreading like wildfire about it. Reporters asked a lot of Pro Heroes what the villains' intentions are and if this is a warning for something bigger and deadlier. The Pro Heroes just responded that they will deal with it and nothing to worry about, but in reality, they also know nothing of what to do next and what the villains are up to. The world has been a mess, but only on the outside. The citizens still are clueless as authorities hide the truth behind curtains, afraid what will happen if the citizens come to know of the villain invasion. 


As Pro Heroes tighten their security

The villains' plans did not stop.

In fact, since the slaughter, even more villains are pouring out and causing trouble 

Kidnapping, Robbery, Theft, and more murders, they didn't stop, they increased, even the Pro Heroes might run out of Heroes before then

Lurking in the darkness of Musutafu*.


Izuku tosses and turns in his sleep. A nightmare slumps on him as he makes frightened whimpers and trembling. Then he suddenly jolts up off the bed yelling.

"What's wrong!?!?" Uraraka swings the bedroom door open barging in still in pajamas and coffee in her hands.

Izuku quickly scans his surroundings before sighing deep in relief and flop back into the sheets. "It... was just a dream..."

Uraraka face softens as it was just a false alarm. "Don't scare me like that, Izuku-kun. Had a nightmare?" She walks towards him and settles herself down on the bed.

"Yeah...scary men in black I couldn't see their faces were chasing me, and, there was someone tied up next to me and-" Izuku stops as he frowns. "It's just a dream anyway, not to worry." 

"Must've been bad then, it's okay though, if you're ever in trouble I'll be there." She ruffles his bed hair. "Want breakfast?"

"Sure, thanks."

Izuku has been living with Uraraka for a while now. She says he can stay as long as he wants but he just wants to save up enough money for an apartment so he doesn't have to be a bother. Izuku and Uraraka noticed that there has been a sudden escalation of crimes happening in the city so Uraraka had to be out of the house a lot. Izuku still longs to see Ayaka, he is attempting to find leads and clues but he's turned up with nothing. Hope has been slipping, but he hasn't given up, she has to be alive. She has to be.

"I made you egg and toast today because I thought for a little change," Uraraka points out as she slides a chair to the dining table.

"I see, it looks very good. Your cooking skills never cease to amaze me," Izuku compliments and also sits down immediately digging in.

"Come on! It's not that amazing but thanks," She exclaims bashfully. 

"Well, you're always out so I barely get to taste it, were you always busy?" He shoves another spoonful of egg in his mouth.

"Yeah, lots of more villains are committing crimes everywhere I get no time to rest! These darn bastards think they won yet!" Uraraka pouted eating her breakfast.

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