Answers and Infiltration

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Izuku and Uraraka sat in warming silence as they sipped the hot tea together. The only sound that could be heard was the ceiling fan whirring quietly. Izuku had a lot on his mind. Now that he thinks about it...he glances over to Uraraka to get a good look at her. She doesn't look young as when he remembered her at all. In fact, she looked in her 20's. She still had her short brown cupped hair from the past. She wore a pink peach winter sweater with a floral blouse underneath. Her face was still cute like but mature. She had black leggings and beach bohemia style heels. Time really has passed, huh? He still can't believe he was alive after all that, he longs to see if Ayaka was alright along with his mother.

"You look like you have a lot on your mind. Care to talk about it?"

Izuku turns his attention to the smiling Uraraka and clasps out of his daydreaming.

"Ah- sorry I was just..."

"It's fine. I know it's a lot to take in. Ask more questions I'll try to answer," she waved off giving him a reassuring smile.

Izuku returned the smile and sipped his tea. He sighed then spoke. "Alright, well...first I would like to know how I survived. Didn't I get- stabbed?" He stared at the cup in his hand looking at his reflection in the tea. Uraraka gave him a wide grin and cleared her throat as she was going to tell a long story.

"It was a life or death situation! It was really intense!" She outburst causing Izuku to look at her in surprise. "When I heard you got injured I rushed over as fast as I could! The doctors told me that you may not survive due to the tenfold of blood you lost I seriously thought you were gone! So I cried and sobbed when I saw you in the hospital bed. Everyone in the class was there too my heart was racing!" She took a long breath and continued. "The doctors were trying their best even Recovery Girl couldn't save you. After hours and hours of waiting, the doctors told us that you won't make it and that we say our goodbyes. Everyone was mourning and grieving I really thought you were gone from this world!" she held a quick pause if Izuku had anything to say other than staring at her astonished.

"Really? Wow... then. How am I alive?" Izuku said quietly.

"An unknown women came to the hospital that night when the doctors were performing surgery. She told them she can save you. Everyone mistrusts her and ordered her to leave but she didn't listen. When she came up to you she placed her hand on your chest your chest got all glowy and stuff and then bam! Your heart rate was moving again! Everyone there was flabberghasted and came to the conclusion that she used her Quirk in a way. I desperately tried to get her name and who she was but she just smiled and said 'I'm just helping out a close friend' and like that she was gone,"

Uraraka went on and rambled more about the story but Izuku stopped listening and was buried in thoughts again. Close friend? What could that mean, who? The only close friends Izuku had was Kacchan and Ayaka. He gasped and turned to Uraraka again.

"Do you know what she looked like?" He interrupted her rambling.

Uraraka stopped and pondered for a moment. "I really couldn't see her face because she hides it with a mask but she had crazy long black hair. It touched the floor! She also wore a pretty black dress but...that's all I can remember though, sorry it's not much help," she sighed apologetically.

"No, no that's okay! Thank's Uraraka. You've been a great help so far," he waved and smiled. He had a warm feeling in his heart that only she came just for him to wake up. Her words repeated back in his head. Black hair that touches the floor...? Could it really be?

Uraraka nodded and giggled. "It's nothing Izuku! Let me take that cup for you. You must be done with it already, hm?"


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