Flashbacks and Training

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I look up from my cell phone as I walked my usual path home. School just ended and I went home early. A test is coming soon and I want to prepare beforehand. I smile when I see my childhood crush, Midoriya Izuku, jogging towards me and waving. When he finally reached me and takes quick deep breaths and waves again. He is adorable like always I just want to kiss him!

"What's up, Deku?" I greet heartily. Whenever I'm near Deku I'm always happy, maybe it's his angelic charm or his unbearable cuteness!

"Ah, you left so soon and I wanted to w-walk home together..." Izuku stutters shyly.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I wanted to get a head start on the upcoming math test. Also, I didn't want to disturb you when you were talking to Todoroki-kun and them." I said as I continued walking, Izuku tailed walking beside me.

"Y-You didn't have to! You can talk to me whenever. I don't want you to feel left out," Izuku says reassuring.

"Eh? Okay then, Deku, but you should talk to your friends once in a while. It's good to have good people other than me around okay?" I grin.

A light pink blush forms on cheeks as he looks down on the ground in front of him before nodding. "Okay."

There was a short silence between us as we continued walking to our destinations before Izuku starts to speak again.

"Um, Ayaka-chan, you know... this weekend...do you have any plans?" he questions glancing at me.

"Plans? Hm, other than studying and playing video games, not really. Why?" Most of my weekends are boring of studying, playing, and training.

"Well, I-I was thinking maybe you- we can go to see an m-movie that's coming out together...if you want," his blush reddened as he pushed his index fingers together.

I halt. Did he just ask me out on a date? A slight tint of pink comes across my face. Well, it maybe not is a date to him but we always spend so much time together like every day is a date with him. I have nothing better to do this weekend so why not spend it with the most adorable angel on this planet?

"Of course! I'd love to. Let's meet up there, okay?" I beam. This is the first time Deku has invited me to a movie theatre so I'm very excited.

"Oh yeah of course," he answers clearly enthusiastic that he gets to go somewhere with me.

We chatted for a bit as we continue walking to our destinations. He lives like two houses away from me so we walk home like every day. We exchanged goodbyes and I stepped into my house. I greeted my mother who was cooking dinner and my father who was on the couch with his laptop doing work. I rush upstairs, drop everything and toss myself of the soft bouncy bed. Hehe, a date with Izuku. I wonder what I should wear. I giggle to myself as I browse on my phone. Studying can wait.

Outside the theatre

Izuku was in his casual attire sitting on a bench near the entrance of the movie theatre. He was wearing a light blue flannel shirt and simple jeans. He even added a touch of some perfume. He was actually very early because he was afraid that he might be late. He tapped his foot lightly on the concrete while checking his phone. Uwah, I'm so excited! It feels like a date! I can't wait to watch Galactic Heroes with her.


And right on cue, a wild Ayaka appears skipping towards him he jumped out of his seat and turn to her. Izuku gawks and his face burns bright red as he sees what she's wearing. Akaya was wearing a white shoulderless blouse and a cute black mini skirt to match. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail so it whished around as she trotted. She was absolutely stunning in Izuku's eyes, he cannot believe she got so dressed up for a simple movie.

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