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Almost four months after the death of Sirius Black, it seems everything had gotten worse. Everyone now knew Voldemort was back and they couldn't do anything to deny it. It was like a dark blanket had settled over the wizarding world.

Florence Black had moved into a small home by herself, her baby due in just a couple months. She was still miserable. The fact that she was now a widow left an giant hole in her heart. Nothing would ever be the same for. She had lost the love of her life. If it wasn't for the fact she was having a baby, Florence doesn't know what she would do. Her limits not only reached, but far past. Her old friend Naomi was killed after she managed to get extra time on her death sentence. After almost six months of failing to get Grace Kellner's journals, the woman was killed.

The summer only got worse from there. In August, George's girlfriend Julia found one of her closest friends dead. She left and hasn't been seen since. George was heartbroken, but he had moved on after a very long and helpful talk from Grace. William was still miserable though.

Grace moved in with Fred and George early September. Her and Reese had started Auror training. Considering no one had been let on to be an Auror in years, it was a very great achievement. It might've been Grace's spells that helped.

Things were changing at Hogwarts as well. It appeared nothing would be the same.

October 15

It was a late night at the Ministry. All Grace wanted to do was go home.

"Grace, are you listening?" Millie asked as he two walked down a corridor. Millie was Grace's instructor. She was a tough lady who Grace had never seen without her brown hair pinned back into a tight bun. At times, she sort of reminded Grace of Professor McGonagall when it came to a personality.

"I-yes, I am," Grace assured. Millie's dark eyes burned into Grace.

"Then please, repeat what I just said," Millie demanded. Grace bit her bottom lip. Millie raised an eyebrow. "That's what I thought."

"I'm sorry Millie, but it's just been a late night. It's been a long week and I've just had so much going on!" Grace cried, resting her head against the wall. Millie was silent for a moment.

"Go home, Grace." Grace turned around to face the older woman.

"No, it's fine! I can concentrate now!"

"No, you can't. You look like you're about to pass out. Go home, Grace. You've been working extremely hard. You can have tomorrow off too. I'm sure your boyfriend would like to spend time with you considering I've been having you come on early and leave late."

"No, it's fine, I can–"

"–no you cannot! Grace, you and your friend Reese are exceptional at this. Some of the best we've seen here in a very long time. I know I'm tough on you, but I'm not a complete monster. Go home," Millie demanded. Grace smiled.

"Thank you." Millie gave the young woman a small smile.

"And I don't want to see you tomorrow. Not here not anywhere. I expect to see you Saturday at eight a.m."

"Of course, I'll be here."

• • •

The shop had been closed for hours by the time Grace had gotten home. Diagon Alley was quiet. The flat was quiet too. Even though Grace was exhausted, she felt disgusting. She locked the bathroom door and turned on the shower. Considering the twins didn't wake up to much, she knew the shower wouldn't wake them.

The hot water hit Grace's bare body. She had one day off and there was so much she needed to do. She'd have to find time. The past months have been harder than she imagined. She knew Auror training would take up time. That wasn't the problem. The problem was she still blamed herself for Sirius dying. No one agreed do with her. Florence had assured Grace several times it wasn't her fault. Yet Grace couldn't shake off the guilt. Grace put a hand over her mouth as tears fell down her face.

"It's not your fault," she told herself. She knew it wasn't her fault. Yet the sinking feeling didn't go away. Grace lay her head against the shower wall as she tried her best not to sob. Every time she almost had herself convinced, another bad thought popped in her head.

"You were the oldest Grace, you should've known better."

"You tore a family apart because you're spell was a flunk."

"You've completely ruined Harry's life as well as Florence and her baby's life."

The thoughts kept recurring in Grace's mind. Things she could've done differently to save the mans life. She would do anything to be able to change the outcome.

Eventually, Grace finished showering and stepped out of the shower. She walked to her and Fred's bedroom. The young man was fast asleep. Grace could hear his quiet snores. In the dark, she managed to find and change into her pajamas. She crawled in bed next to Fred. The man didn't move. Grace sighed and closed her eyes.

• • •

"Grace, Grace, wake up!" Fred's voice cried. Grace groaned and pulled the covers over her head.

"Go away," she mumbled. Grace groaned as Fred sat on her.

"Grace, you're late for work!" Fred cried. Grace slapped the mans leg repeatedly.

"No, I'm not, and get off me!"

"You are though," Fred retorted as he sat next to her. Grace turned to face the man. She opened her grey eyes and looked at Fred.

"I got the day off," Grace finally said. Fred's face lit up.

"Did you really?" He asked. He sounded as excited as a little kid on Christmas. Grace smiled.

"I did! I need to go visit my father and I was planning on visiting Florence. I also want to spend the day with you though," Grace said as she sat up.

"Actually seeing you in the morning is better than anything. You get ready and go do those things. I'll see you when you get back," Fred said. Grace smiled and planted a kiss on Fred's cheek.

"I love you," she said. Fred smiled.

"I love you too."

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