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Grace took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. After a few moments, the door opened. A pregnant Florence smiled at Grace.

"Grace, you're here!" Florence exclaimed, bringing the young woman into a hug. Grace hugged her back.

"I am, how are you and the baby?" Grace asked as she walked into the house. Florence sighed.

"A pain in my arse. It won't stop kicking!" Grace laughed.

"You're due in a couple months, what more can you expect?"

"I don't know," Florence said as she sat on the couch. Grace sat on the chair next to her.

"Are you sure you don't want to know the gender?" Grace inquired. Florence sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure! I swear I get asked this question all the time," Florence breathed.

"Do you at least have name ideas?" Grace asked. The annoyed look on Florence's face changed. Her eyes glossed over and she looked away from Grace.

"If it's a boy I feel like I'm required to name it after Sirius. Like oh my husband and the father of my child died. I have to name this child of the same sex after him so his legacy lives on! But Grace, I don't know if I can! I mean, bringing his name up makes me want to crawl into a bawl and die. I-I don't know if I could name a baby boy after him." Florence broke down into sobs. Grace quickly ran over and took Florence in her arms.

"You don't have to do anything. If you were to have a baby boy you could name that child whatever you want. I'm sure that child will have so many qualities exactly like Sirius'. You wouldn't have to name a baby boy after him just because you feel like you're required. No one can tell you what to do with your child," Grace told her. Florence dug her head into Grace's shoulder, her hand gripping Grace's arm while the other was on her stomach.

"I miss him, I miss him so much," Florence sobbed.

"I know, I know."

• • •

Grace sighed as she closed the door behind her. She pulled the sleeves of her jumper down.

"Hello, Grace!" George greeted. Grace quickly smiled at the man.

"George, how's the day going?" She asked. George chuckled.

"Just like any other day. So, the days going great!" George stated. Grace laughed.

"Do you need any help?" Grace asked. George shook his head.

"I got it, but I believe Fred wanted to talk to you. He's upstairs."

"Alright, I'll go see what he wants. Bye George."

"Bye Grace."

• • •

"Fred?" Grace called as she entered the flat.

"In here!" The man called back. Grace appeared at the doorway to their bedroom. Fred sat at the end of the bed, lost in thought.

"Fred, is everything okay?" She asked, sitting next to him.

"George is still talking to Julia," Fred admitted. Grace raised her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry?"

"George is still talking to Julia," Fred repeated. Grace was silent for a few minutes.

"How, how do you know?" Grace asked. Fred turned around and crawled to the top of the bed. He lifted his pillow, grabbing a letter, then sat back besides Grace.

"Read this," Fred demanded.

"Fred Weasley, did you steal your brothers mail?" Grace asked, but then she gasped. "Were you snooping?"

"Just read it! Please," Fred begged. Grace nodded.

"I will," she said.

Fred sat there quietly as Grace read over the letter. He sat there as she read it four times. Finally, she looked up at Fred. The woman was completely shocked.

"Is this for real?" Grace asked. Fred nodded.

"Yup, George and Julia are still dating. It's taking long distance to a new level."

"Does William know? I mean, does she send letters to William?" Grace asked. Fred shrugged.

"I don't think so. By the looks of it, her and George don't talk often. I think he's only gotten two, but I don't know."  Grace sighed and ran pressed her palms against her forehead.  "Grace, are you okay?" Fred asked.

Grace stood up and put the letter on the dresser. She then walked over and looked out the window. Fred appeared at her side and took her hand.

"Grace, what happened?" He asked. Grace shook her head.

"I saw Florence today. She's still miserable. She misses him, a lot. I mean, how can she not? Sirius was her husband, and it's my fault he's dead." Grace admitted, tears leaving her eyes.

"Grace, look at me," Fred whispered. Grace kept her stare out the window. "Grace."

Grace looked up at Fred. Her eyes glistening with tears. Fred placed his hands on Grace's cheeks.

"You did not kill Sirius Black. His death wasn't something you saw coming or something you could've stopped. Just because the spell didn't work doesn't mean it's your fault. You heard Florence, once he disappeared behind that veil the tie immediately broke. It had to be something with that. Okay?" Grace nodded.

"Okay," she whispered. Fred bent down to give Grace a kiss. His lips staying on hers for a while before he pulled away and brought her into a hug.

"It wasn't your fault," he assured her once more.

"It wasn't my fault."

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