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Grace woke up in Fred arms. She sighed as she realized she has to get up. She's much rather stay in bed and spend another day with Fred. As Grace began to crawl out of bed, Fred pulled her back down.

"Fred, let go!" Grace snapped.

"No," he mumbled. Grace rolled her eyes.

"I have to go to work!"

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"No, you don't."

"Fred, let go!" Grace demanded. The man didn't budge. "Fred, please let go. I have to go to work."

"Okay, fine!" Fred let go of Grace who headed towards the bathroom to shower. First, she put some coffee on.

Fred was fast asleep again when Grace entered the bedroom again. She put on her Auror uniform and headed into the kitchen. Grace hummed to herself as she got herself some coffee. Grace raised her eyebrows when she spotted George sitting at the table.

"George, you're up early," Grace noted.

"Went to bed early. Would you like some toast?" He asked, pushing the plate of toast towards her. Grace grabbed a piece and just stared at the man as she put the jam on it.

"Anything good in the paper?" Grace asked. George shook his head and tossed the Daily Prophet aside.

"No, but remember Layla Sullivan?" George asked. Grace thought for a moment.

"She was a Slytherin, year above us?" Grace guess. George nodded.

"She was found dead in her home last night. Apparently her family owed some Death Eaters money. Well, they died a couple years ago."

"So, they killed her for revenge?"

"Bingo." Grace shook her head and took a bite of her toast.

"That's terrible," she muttered.

"I know."

"Of course when I begin training to become an Auror all of this happens!" George shrugged and set the mug down

"We knew it was coming," he said.

"That's true," she muttered.

"Grace, I've been meaning to tell you that I like your haircut," George noted. Grace smiled.

"Thank you, George," she said.

The curly, long honey colored hair had been cut to her shoulders. A decision she made in just a few seconds. She regretted it at first, but it grew on her.

"Well, I better get going. I'll see you later," Grace said as she put the mug in the sink.

"Bye, Grace."

• • •

"Did you head about Layla Sullivan?" Reese asked, appearing next to Grace. Her curly black hair had been put up in a bun, but a couple pieces sat by her face.

"I did, it's terrible," Grace said as she shook her head.

"I know!" Reese cried. Grace's grey eyes traveled to Reese's dark hands. The woman's fingers were covered in ink.

"Reese, what happened to you hands?" Grace asked. Reese flashes an innocent smile.

"I tried to prank Lee this morning, but it backfired and I spilled ink all over my hands. Couldn't quite get it all off," Reese admitted. Grace shook her head and laughed.

"Speaking of that, aren't you two planning on moving in with each other?" Reese shrugged.

"We've been talking about it," she said as they entered the elevator.

As the elevator doors closed, a hand reached and stopped them. A man stood there, extremely out of breath. His blue eyes landed on Grace.

"Are you Grace Kellner?" He asked. Grace raised her eyebrows.

"I am," she said.

"Millie needs to see you now, she says it's urgent!" Grace and Reese glanced at each other before Grace sprinted out of the elevator.

"Move!" She shouted, slightly pushing someone out of the way.  She burst into Millie's office, out of breath.

"You needed me?" She asked. Millie smiled at Grace.

"Good to know you can come quick," Millie stated. She reached in a drawer and tossed three books
on her desk as well as a large file.

"What are those?" Grace asked as she tried to regain her breath.

"Three books and a file. You have books on concealment and disguise, stealth and tracking, and poisons and antidotes. You perform well and you listen well, but I want to see how well you can comprehend the information. We've covered basics of those three books. Next month we'll begin to really go into them ."

"And the file?"

"A file on dark wizards we've caught in the past year. Read all of them. You'll have a test on it and how to catch them. So trust me, you need to read every word in these books and this file." Grace's eyes widened as she stared at the large stack.

"How long do I have?" She asked.

"Till the end of November. If you fail my test you don't move on and will be a month behind in Auror training. If you don't pass the second time you're out. Three strikes is too many. One is all you get."

"Oh Merlin help me."

• • •

Grace set the books and file down on her table. The mans eyes widened.

"Ah, so your Auror training begins!" He exclaimed, pushing up his glasses.

"Begins? Then what the hell have I been doing the past few months?" Grace asked. Ben Kellner chuckled.

"The basics," he stated. Grace's eyes widened.

"Wha—those were the basics?" Grace spat. Ben smiled, taking a bite of his burger.

"Welcome to the Ministry!" Grace sighed and laid her head down on the table.

"This is going to be impossible!" She cried.

"It settles down after the first year. Harder work, but not as much of it. Millie is your instructor, isn't she?" Grace nodded.

"Yes," she affirmed.

"She's the hardest. Less people become Auror's from her then anyone else."

"Are you joking me?"

"Nope, but don't worry about it. The Aurors that do come from her are always the best!"

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