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Reese pounded on the door again. Ashton and Grace stood by her side.

"Aspen, open the bloody door!" Reese shouted. Ashton rolled his eyes and pushed Reese out of the way.

"For Merlin's sake, Alohomora!" The door unlocked and Ashton gave Reese a smug look. She stared at him for a moment.

"That's breaking and entering," Reese stated.

"Well, it works!" Grace cried, pushing through both of them. Grace opened the door and was the first to enter the flat. It was quiet.

"Aspen!" Grace called out. She got no response.

"Aspen!" Reese cried.

"How'd you three even get in here?" Aspen asked, appearing in the doorway. The three turned around to greet the woman.

"Aspen, where were you?" Ashton asked. Aspen held up the bags in her hand.

"Shopping for groceries! Now, as much as I love you all, why are you here?" She asked entering her flat.

"We wanted to see if you were okay," Reese admitted. This caused Aspen to chuckle. The three followed her into the kitchen where she began putting away the groceries.

"Okay? A person I had a crush on for years, who I watched die, who I brought back to life, a person I love! Well, he left me. So no, I'm not okay."

"Well, didn't he say he was coming back?" Ashton asked. Reese stomped on his foot. Aspen just ignored him. Suddenly, Grace grasped.

"Mate, you all right?" Reese asked.

"I have to go," Grace announced. Ignoring their questions, Grace disapperated from Aspen's flat.

Grace appeared in the shop and quickly began rummaging for a piece of parchment. George handed a customer their bag of things before acknowledging Grace.

"Everything all right?" He asked.

"I need a piece of parchment!" She shouted.
George gave the woman a strange look.

"There's some in the drawer to your left," he said. Grace tore the drawer open, grabbing a piece of parchment.

"Thanks, George!" Grace cried as she ran away.

"You're welcome?" George answered even though Grace was gone.

Grace ran and grabbed a quill and ink. She sat down at the table and began writing.

• • •

Two days later, Grace sat at a table, sipping from a butterbeer. As she waited, Grace read over the book on stealth and tracking.

"Grace!" The voice cried, sitting across from her. Grace smiled and the girl.

"Leslie! How are you?" Grace asked, closing the book.

"I'm just splendid. Now, could you please tell me why we're meeting in this rubbish place?" Leslie asked in a hushed voice.

"Well, I'm not supposed to be here. Plus where do all the Hogwarts kids go? The Three Broomsticks."

"That's true."

"Speaking of it, how is Hogwarts?" Grace asked. Leslie scoffed.

"It's a disaster! I'm sure you've heard the Snape is the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Grace nodded.

"Yes, I've heard," she replied.

"Yeah, there's that. He's absolutely terrible by the way! Besides that, everything just seems different. Something is a wrong with Dumbledore's hand and blah it's just a mess!"

"I see, well, I have a question for you," Grace said. Leslie nodded.

"That is what your letter said. Ask away!"

"Let's say Cedric wasn't home. He left for a few days, where would he go?" Grace asked. Leslie's brown eyes examined Grace.

"What are you saying here?" She hinted. Grace shook her head.

"I'm not hinting at anything, I'm just saying that—" Leslie gasped, cutting Grace off.

"He left Aspen, didn't he?" Leslie asked. Grace scoffed.

"No, that's not what I said!" Grace argued. Leslie shook her head, obviously ready to argue.

"Grace, don't take me for a fool. Cedric is one of my best friends. I know him and Aspen have been arguing! He wouldn't leave her for good. Let me guess, he left a letter saying he'd be back? That's why you said a few days? Even thought its most likely already been a few days and now you're trying to find out where he is?" Leslie implied. Grace's silence was an answer.

"Why would he leave?" Grace muttered, desperate for an answer. Leslie ran her palms over her pants.

"Grace, you need to understand. He loves Aspen, he does. These arguments practically made him reach his limits. Nadine was killed and Julia left. We're both heartbroken. I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt Aspen, but he's hurting too. We didn't know Nadine long, but it doesn't take long to become friends with someone. You know that as well as I do," Leslie explained. Grace buried her head in her hands and sighed. The pair was silent for a minute. Eventually, Grace leaned back in the chair to look at Leslie.

"You know him better than I do, where do I find him?"

• • •

Grace looked at the address on the paper then back up at Leslie.

"You're sure this is it?" Grace asked.

"If that's not, then I don't know where he'd be," Leslie admitted.

"Okay, I'll try there then. Thank you, Leslie," Grace said. Leslie smiled.

"Anything for you, Grace. Now, I know I said this meeting would be just between us. However, I know a fifth year who would love to see you!" Leslie admitted. Grace laughed.

"Go get him."

Leslie jumped up at ran out of the door. A few minutes later, the Gryffindor boy entered. Grace smiled and jumped up to give the boy a hug.

"William!" She cried. William laughed and sat across from Grace.

"Grace, I haven't seen you in awhile," he said. Grace noticed how much the boy has changed. He was much taller and had finally styled his messy brown hair.

"Your glasses are crooked," she admitted.

"Oh," he mumbled, fixing his glasses.

"So," Grace began, "how have things been?" Grace asked.

"They haven't been bad. Julia sends letter every now and then."

"She sends you letters?" Grace asked. William nodded.

"Yes, she does."

"Do you know where she is?" William didn't reply for a moment.

"No, I don't," he admitted.

"Oh...well, how are you and Leo?" Grace asked. William smiled.

"Still together," he said. Grace smiled.

"That's amazing."

"You and Fred?"

"Also, still together. We're also living together."

"Really? How's that going?" Grace laughed at the question.

"Living with twins is harder than I thought," she admitted. The two broke into laughter. "William, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have something to attend to."

"Hopefully I'll see you when I come back from Christmas?" William asked hopefully. Grace smiled.


Grace hugged William goodbye before grabbing her things and leaving. She was off to find Cedric.

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